06 January 2022

New Year 2022 odds and sods

 Goodbye 2021, hello 2022. (And bugger you ‘22 for bringing along a sodding beginning of the year head cold!) 

No end of year round up here, I pretty much bumbled along and managed to get up 24 posts - not bad for a year’s worth. My only pledges are to try to get up more posts than that for this year, buy fewer minis and paint more to reduce the Dreaded Lead&Plastic Mountain (And in turn complete a project or two). Should be simple enough, right?

On to the pics! 

A bit of painting done recently. Strayed a little from the Burrows and Badgers kick I have most recently been enjoying and so a mixed bag to show off today. 

First off a late 90’s (I think) Games Workshop offering, this is a Necromunda Ratakins gang Shaman. My very good friend Derek gifted me a small collection of the original Necromunda minis a while back and I got the bug to slap some paint on this fellow last weekend. I thought he’d be pretty straight forward but bow was I wrong… so many (in a typical GW fashion) sculpted details to pick out! Took me ages. Still, the finished effort will work and gives me a place to start off with for the rest of the Ratskin figs in my collection.

I felt a pale skin colour was more logical and less cheesy than the American Indian style studio paint job. The denizens of the Underhives don’t get to see the light, so it doesn’t make sense at all to me that anyone would have tanned skin in those areas with false light and polluted time-and-again-refiltered air. 

With so many sculpted details to pick out, I didn’t have the energy to try to add previously planned tattoos. Seriously, painting this guy was exhausting! 

Second in line is another Burrows and Badgers miniature, the third Holy Mouse I mentioned in my last post, Sister Tomasina. Like her brothers (Both in the cloth and by blood - see last post), she helps maintain and protect the church. Her Holy magics are as potent as her quick temper, woe betide the brigand attempting to thieve from the church coffers!

A grey nun’s habit with white veil. Pretty standard really. I also have her the same green holy book as I’d done for my Mole. I’ll get a pic of her with her brothers together done soon. 

Kept the pages of the book simple. No extravagant lettering , just simple script effects. Works for me.
Appropriate gratuitous mouse bootie shot. Wait! She’s a mouse-woman of the cloth! I’ll burn in hell for typing that…

Last off the paint station is a mini from a long neglected project. After seeing all sorts of great Dark Ages blogposts I decided to grab a couple of my Jomsvikings minis out and get  them done. Well, I only managed to finish one, the other should be finished before the end of the week. It’s a Gripping Beast metal sculpt from their Saga line. I think the official paint job has the animal pelt painted as a wolf, but it looks too small to be a wolf’s pelt so I decided to paint it up as a Scandinavian Red Fox fur instead. 

This one had more detail sculpted into him than the average Gripping Beast metal sculpt that I’m familiar with. Took a bit to get him done but I feel for a rank and file Bondi he looks good enough.

This pic doesn’t show it well but there are at least four layers of shading in all that orange. The lighting messed it up. 

That’s it for now. These three were part of the Paint What You Got challenge ran by Dave Stone on his blog. Not a specific challenge like others I’ve joined, more a “get stuff off your unpainted mountain with the rest of us” effort, which works just fine for me. :)

Hope all are well and safe out there,

- Dai


  1. All the best in 2022 Dai!
    Love your flurries project. Great to see Jomsvikings too!

    1. Cheers Michal! Hope to get more up for posting soon!

  2. Great work on all 3 Dai, think you made the right decision on the pelt as the face is very fox like. Thanks for taking part in the challenge

    1. Appreciate that Dave. There’ll be lots more to come soon!

  3. Happy New Year, Dai! Hope the head cold clears quickly. I always enjoy seeing what emerges from your workbench. Keep at it in 2022.

    1. Eh, it is what it is. (Annoying mostly! Lol)

      Thanks Jon, I appreciate all the encouragement!

  4. Hopefully 2022 is much better than 2021.

    Pallid, unhealthy skin does make more sense for the sump dwellers.

    1. Me too David.

      Not sure when I’ll get working on the next of the gang members, but they’ll get the same treatment I think.

  5. Just at the moment 24 posts seems like quite a milestone. Lovely start to the year with these though Dai, I really do like the look of the badgers and burrows miniatures. Hope the head cold clears up soon.

    1. 24 was certainly more than I had planned.
      The BnB range is so fun and captivating - I really enjoy painting their range.

  6. Pretty nice start of a year! Cool works, and I do appreciate the train of thought behind the choices you made. All the best for 2022!

    1. Thanks Suber! Really glad you stopped by my little blog!

  7. I hope the head cold clears up quickly, and I look forward to seeing the next 23+ posts!

    1. I’ll do my best to beat that 24 mark!

  8. Great painting as always, Dai, and again you've brought so much character to Sister Tomasina's face. I like the shaman figure but can totally see why it was a pain in the backside to paint LOL! And the fox pelt is beautifully done. Nice going!

    1. Thanks Matt! Glad you liked all three.

  9. Very nice painting Dai. I especially like the mouse and the Viking. I feel you on the head cold bc my family has been sick all Christmas break.
    Happy new year! 😀

    1. Cheers Stew!

      Poor family…. That makes for a miserable holiday. :(

  10. I really like how your Bondi turned out. The fox is truly awesome.....no doubt he has some pretty slick nickname with his mates. I also like the highlighting/contrast on the shield.

    1. Thanks Dave! I like to think they call him “Sly”.

  11. Great looking ganger, nun and viking, very nice and good call on the ratakins skin colour,looks great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Just hope I can remember the skin colour recipe for the next batch!
