14 December 2021

Heroic Hares and Holy Mice (Burrows and Badgers)

My latest effort to get more of my unpainted mountain done, I managed to get five more of my Burrows and Barrows collection painted up, three Hares and a pair of Mice. All minis are by the creator of the game, Oathsworn Miniatures and were as always a pleasure to paint.

First up is the leader of my recently previewed Village Militia warband, Torvin Estermon one time Captain-of-the-Guard to the local Baron's father until the untimely loss of his foot in a dastardly ambush by Clansbeasts from the north. With a decent severance he bought a rundown Inn and quickly becoming a leadership figure within the village. Once the Red Toothe bandits reared their ugly head and threatened his new home, he knew the village would need a militia so it could try to protect itself and using his veteran's knowledge, hope to repel the predacious efforts of the bandits.

Kept his color scheme for his clothing to be similar to the previously posted town guard. Love the medals that were sculpted onto him, they add that extra "grizzled vet" look to him.

Tried to paint his face and ears to show his advanced age. I think it works out okay.

You might notice that the bases shown here are a bit bland... That's due to my not realising that my basing materials supplies are much lower than I had thought! With Xmas here, that's not going to change any time soon. LOL

Next up is Ruth Pendergast, Hare druidess. A recluse, she rarely comes into settlements unless called upon to apply her natural remedies to their maladies and skills as midwife for those who required it. 

I felt the pink dress would add to her more feminine character.  Also went with pale green eyes for no reason than I feel those with green eyes are suspicious, much like a practitioner of witchcraft!

Added a very simple and subtle edging pattern to her pink dress for some extra interest and because I felt a bit lazy just painting her in plain colours.

Grey cloak on the other hand I left plain as I can't imagine Ruth being wealthy at all and so would have a functional well used cloak.

Last of the trio and final Hare in my collection is the new warrior sculpt just released by Oathsworn, I loved the pose so much I had to add him to my collection. 

This is Martigan, warrior hero of the people. Known for his famously vicious and unpredictable temper, some might call him "mad", though few have done so and survived the experience without injury or worse.

Icy blue eye for a more crazy look. I think he looks like he'll  mess up anyone who steps up, regardless of their size or reputation.

The official paint job on the Oathsworn website has chequers on his shoulder pauldrons and I thought I'd do similar. Mine are a bit shitty in comparison though.

Last for this post are a pair of Mice, both friars or monks. Tobias and Terrence are brothers, in the cloth and also by blood. They care for the local Church, using the holy magics of their faith to protect it from the evils of the world. (There will be one more member of the church denizens coming up, but she'll be in the next post.)

Tobias the elder brother is a scribe and tasks himself with putting down the histories of the area so that others in the future might know what has transpired.

Terrance the younger brother is somewhat of a simpleton, but no-one can  argue his devotion to his religion. When he is not offering words and moments of prayer, he tasks himself to keep the church and it's grounds clean and in good order.

Really? Building this chapel on a cardboard box? 

And that's it for this post. Next up my Burrows and Badgers focus continues. I'm having so much fun painting these, it'd be silly to stop. 

Stay safe and well out there,

- Dai


  1. Lovely looking collection of mammals, the psycho hare looks like a nutcase!
    Best Iain

  2. Wonderful work on all 5 Dai, each has a real character, that your painting has brought out, great back stories too. As you say if you're enjoying these why stop now ! LOL

    1. Cheers all round Dave! Lots more in the to do pile so I think I’ll be at this for a bit yet

  3. Excellent stuff, Dai. Love the Burrows range, and you've done a top job on these guys.

    1. Glad you stopped by Simon! Appreciate the kind words as ever!

  4. Wow, Dai, these are just fantastic! You've really brought out the character in each one, their faces and expressions are superb.

    1. High praise Matt, very much appreciated!

  5. Amazing brushwork, Dai! Your first rabbit militia ‘man’ reminds me exactly of a Briar Rabbit character from a book my grandmother read to me when I was very, very young. I mean EXACTLY.

    1. Thanks everso Jon!
      Hmm… I wonder what book that could have been?

  6. Beautiful work on that great characters!

  7. These are all great, but I particularly like the innkeep. Great sculpt, and well painted.

    1. Thankyou LGP, it’s a sculpt with a lot of character.

  8. Lovely sculpts and you've done a great job painting them. The friars are notable in that they don't look like a brown mess. It's pretty tricky doing that much mono colour together and they still look pretty crisp. Well done.

    1. Thanks Dave, really appreciate you taking the time to notice the mice and am glad you like mate.

  9. Great job Dai. They look cool. 😀

  10. Nice. Those are all great, And it's brilliant story telling as well. Looking forward to the illustrated story.

    1. High praise indeed sir, many thanks!
      Realise I need more buildings to make my village, so hope folks will stick around for when I am able to sort that out.

  11. Loads of character in these sculpts and your superb painting has really done them justice.
