10 May 2021

Dieppe Commandos (6 of 16 - Dieppe Landing Project)

 Once again, real life has proven too needy and so my poor hobby desk has suffered neglect. Until that is, this windy weekend, when I was able to slap some paint on and complete these four Commandos for my 1942 Dieppe Landing WW2 project. 

They are (I think) all Black Tree sculpts and they are decent enough and had little to no flash to clear up prior to painting. They're all mounted on steel washers too. Their paint jobs are tabletop quality and I even managed half decent eyes on this lot. I have another 10 or 12 left to do and should have lots of time coming up later this week when I dog-sit whilst my better half is off on a short trip.

Next up is a little bonus mini I got done with a VERY quick paint job using washes, GW Contrast paints and drybrushing. This is my first dip into 3D printed miniatures by a Canadian company I found on Etsy called 3DShoppe. I ordered 5 sculpts and including shipping think I spent around $40 - not horrible. They arrived in a decent timeframe and were packed well. Sadly though, due to both how fine the sculpts were (TINY fingers!) and how brittle the material was, some parts were snapped/missing, like a couple fingers on two of the sculpts and a dagger blade from another. Easy fixes, but a bit annoying regardless. Aside form that though, I have been VERY impressed with the quality of these prints - there are no layer-lines, the minis have smooth surfaces much like any other sculpt, their details are very sharp too. I think I'd buy some again in the future, though I'll be more certain to let the buyer know to pack new orders a little better.

So here we have a Banshee for my roleplay minis collection. I really liked this sculpt as it had lots of cool movement to it and I guess she could double up as a ghost too in a pinch. Hope you like.

Next up are some more Commandos and perhaps another Fantasy offering, though of a much more diminutive stature!

Hope all are staying safe out there,

- Dai 


  1. All good stuff. Looking forward to the commando ensamble photo

    1. Glad you like mate. There'll certainly be a group pic once they are all done!

  2. Great work on the commando's Dai, having just got my own first 3D print figure, they have certainly come on a long way from the early prints that were available, and for only using washes contrast and drybrushing, it has turned out fantastic

    1. Thanks Dave! I was very impressed with the quality of the prints. Appreciate as always the kind words.

  3. Good looking commandos! I like BTD figures a lot and the WWII range is a good one. Will the commandos be facing the banshee in their next raid?

    1. BTD are very easy to paint up too as their designs tend not to be overly complicated.

      Ooo... some Weird War 2 action in the future? Perhaps? :)

  4. Fab work love those commandos. I keep mean to grab some as I love the versions with silenced stens and the knife armed ones.

    1. Thanks Simon! Yeah, those sneaky ones would make for a great night time raiding raiding party for sure.

  5. Dai, the commandoes are first rate and so well painted. This is the price I pay for not visiting your blog more often, is just now learning that you are doing a Dieppe project! That's amazing - I will look for any back posts on this and follow with interest. Banshee is quite terrifying - I hope she's quiet and the mini's shrieking doesn't keep you up at night. I have an old deaf cat that seems to think she's a banshee.
    Do you want a sprue of Warlord British commandoes, I can pop it in the post for you if you like as a wee gift.

    1. Thank you Mike! There are four or five other posts for this project and more to come, I hope you'll like what you see.

      The Banshee has been banished to a storage space out of doors, so hopefully her shrieking will keep intrusive mice away from my miniatures!

      A sprue of commandos you say? Yes sir, those would be greatly received. Please check your email for an update! :)

  6. Great stuff Dai! And your banshee really looks the business, clearly Conrast and washes for the win 😀
    *any issues gluing it to the base?*

    1. Cheers Ivor!

      Nope not a problem, just a squirt of superglue and the fig stuck just fine.

  7. Great job on the commandos and the bannnshhheeee. Nice find on the 3D prints, though shame that they’re fragile. Good luck getting in some painting while dog sitting. 😀

    1. Appreciate that Stew. Hope to have a fair few of His Majesty's finest painted and ready for gaming before the weekend is done!

  8. Splendid looking banshee and lovely looking commandos!
    Best Iain
