19 April 2021

Two by Two , Hands of Blue

 I haven't had much time for painting in my down time of late, but I managed to get some colour on the final sculpt of my Firefly homage minis, River Tam. She joins the four other figs from Mike McVey's Sedition Wars Kickstarter exclusives and is a nice representation of the character from the film, "Serenity" which was supposed to be a conclusion of sorts to the Firefly series. I'll not go into just how well, or not, that film filled that role as that's old news now but it did expand on the River character a LOT so I think she was a good inclusion in this set. My only complaint on this sculpt, like the others in the four-some is her soft facial details, so sadly I did not attempt to add better definition with freehand or some such as, damn, that face is a small one! (From far away, she looks fine I think in any case.)

I searched online for reference pics of this dress to work out which colour was correct, but there aren't many clear ones and others where some show a royal blue and others a green or turquoise. I went with the Turquoise-ish look in the end. 

Only one film homage sculpt left to do, so that's coming up, though not sure when exactly as I'm now got 4 WW2 commandos that I'm about 30% done with, so hopefully next post I'll show those off. 

Hope all are well and staying safe out there,

- Dai


  1. Great work on River Dai, with soft sculpts, sometimes less is more, and think you made the right call on this one.
    There was elements of Serenity that worked as a conclusion, but more series would have allowed so much more, if only we could have more control over what networks and film companies do ! LOL

    1. Thanks Dave. Re-looking at these pics my painting looks very rushed, but I swear it looks great at an arm's length away.

  2. I like your sculpting and painting, Dai. Very interesting what you are putting together here. Good to see you back.

    1. Sadly can't claim the sculpt, but I'm glad you like what you see Jon.

  3. Nice! I painted a 15mm version of her last year, from GZG's ship crew set.

    1. I think I remember that. Need to go back in your blog and check her out again.

  4. Nice job on River. I’m trying to figure out a rule set to use with your new crew. 😀

    1. Thanks matey. Am thinking that new Stargrave rules set would work? I also have other sci-fi options as well where she could fit in.

  5. Looks great, thinking about it I'm pretty sure I've seen the film, still wasn't sure what was going on!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain. Heh, it was a rather hurried story with far too much packed into one small 2 hour set. The series was far better imo.

  6. "No power in the 'verse can stop me."

    1. O man, I should have thought of that quote as the title instead!

  7. Great stuff Dai! Really like that colour mix 😀
    *and I'm with you on Stargrave for a rules set to use with these*

    1. Thanks Ivor!

      Re: Stargrave, I'm very interested in this game. I enjoyed the little Frostgrave I played and my Scifi collection needs some action too!
