05 May 2020

Another Dieppe Landing post

Here are some pieces I've been working on lately. Fast and dirty paint jobs to fit with the rest of what I've done.

Managed to get the Recon Universal carrier painted up for my Dieppe landing force. It's a Warlord games plastic kit and was fiddly as heck to assemble and paint up but I'm happy enough with the end result. Still needs a few id markings but I'll research those later.

Next up is a Bren Gun duo for my first Commandos squad. You'll notice the fellow on the left has a pretty blobby face - that's due to a 4 month old puppy taking an interest in my hobby. *eyeroll* lesson learnt there... (They are both Wargames foundry sculpts for those interested.)

Lastly I also got a sniper team in gillie suits done. This Warlord Games duo are smashing sculpts and were fun and easy to get painted up. Not sure snipers were present at Dieppe, but Commonwealth tactics liked to use platoon sharp shooters, so I felt it was okay to add them and heck, I liked the sculpts, so there.

I also managed to get the Churchill Mk 1 done for this lot but realized the pics I took were from when I originally painted on the markings and thanks to the Bolt Action Facebook group, was informed that they were incorrect. I've sorted that now, but still need to take pics, so will post that beast up tomorrow or so.

Still hoping all are staying safe and well out there.


  1. Very cool work! The carrier is superb!

    1. Thanks Jon. Am thankful it's done now, but I too think it's a nice little model.

  2. Great job on the painting! Those are some crazy looking snipers. And You can’t trust a 4 month old anything. They’re cute just do you don’t shake’em to pieces. 😀

    1. Yeah, apparently even though they are labeled as "British", those two could be used for just about any army really as snipers of all armies used one version of gillie suit or camo to make themselves harder to find.

      Well, she's 5 months old now - even more of a little turd with it!

  3. That's a splendid bit of kit Dai, nice job on the support units too.

  4. Great work Dai, nice variation of troops and vehicle in this post. Great to see your okay

    1. Cheers Dave, glad you like them. Hope you and yours are staying safe over there too.

  5. Lovely snipers! The carrier is great, I found the kit a bit of a pain in the backside when I did one for my Soviets, youve got a lovely finish on it though!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Not sure I'll rush out to build a second one any time soon, but I'm happy with the result.
