16 April 2020

Skitterings and survivors

More random stuff off the paint desk. Tried to get some progress made on some WW2 Commandos, but after my puppy decided that a Bren Gunner looked like a tasty chew treat I quickly lost interest. (Lesson learnt there - he'll still work, but will just be a little lumpier than normal)

First up is a simple large Phase Spider. This sculpt is produced by Wizkids Unpainted in their pre-primed range of Dungeons and Dragons semi-hard/soft plastic range. Cool details on these and the price point is VERY affordable. Mold lines are a bit tricky to remove and the "pre-priming" only liked certain painted in my collection but otherwise this was a swift and simple job that will look good on the tabletop!

Next up is a nice Zombie Survivor published by Dead Earth Games for their Post Apocalyptic skirmish game. I named her Moira.

The next two are produced by Spectre Miniatures from their Modern Skirmish game. Seriously well detailed and realistic too. I felt that these two would make for some good prepper-types.

First up Dustin. As you can see, he has an affinity for a certain world leader. The "MAGA" is crudely applied, but after the 4th try I just said eff-it and left as is. That hat is a suprisingly small area!

This is Gordon. He felt like he was ready for the end of the world, that is until he forgot to bring his backpack. Fear not, pilfering a child's pack to make up for it is perfectly kosher during the Zombie Apocalypse! (Not like the Zombies will laugh at his style or anything, right?)

Last for this post is a small piece of terrain by Sarissa Precision terrain. Some sort of water container thing that was included in a nice little compound terrain kit I got this Zombie project. Simple construction and paintjob. Felt messy works really well when it's the end of the world.

And that's it for now. What's next? Who knows, the way my attention span has mimicked that of a rabid butterfly on speed anything in my extensive unpainted backlog might take my fancy.

Hope all are staying well and safe in this virus-y time.


  1. Great mixed bag of minis! Particularly liked Moira, but all good and the spider is super!
    Best Iain

  2. Excellent stuff, Dai! Spider looks absolutely wicked and the MAGA hat is a nice touch.

  3. Great stuff Dai! Really like those colours on that spider 😀

    1. Cheers Ivor, I wanted the colours to match my other spiders.

  4. Brilliant! That spider sculpt is awesome Dai and what a great job you did on it too. As for Gordon's bag, loved that, had me in giggles.

    1. Thought it was a cheeky touch. :) Thanks Michael.

  5. OMG my daughter has the same backpack! Doesn’t this guy know that zombies are attracted to hot pink? 😀

    Great painting all around my friend.

  6. Fantastic work on all Dai, my favourite bit has to be the pink backpack, totally awesome !
