16 March 2020

For Joshua - Part 2 (Command units and some bonus stuff!)

The second part of my effort for the For Joshua project are these two groups of Command minis. Again, minis are by Pendraken Miniatures in 10mm and have some fun details for being so small.

The first group are some Undead command characters. Jamie's undead units have read and black colourings so I went with the same on any clothing. Kind of gives them a classic British army feel to them I think. Yet to paint up a banner for the bearer, but that'll be in the package prior to posting to the UK.

The fat fellow on the far right is my fav, some sort of Nosferatu-style vampyre. How the club-waver in the middle is riding a scotty dog is no-one's business.

Second lot are a group of Necromancers, two still human, the other two more Liche-like with skeletal faces. The human sacrifice on the stone altar thing is a nice touch too. They'll add some nice magic options I hope to the baddies army.

Pic is a bit crap, could've sworn it looked better on the phone. You get the idea though.
I'll have these in the post this week, so they can get based by Jamie in his own scheme to match what he has already - Kind of looking forward to see all the figs I've painted ready for their game (Once this poxie stupid Corona Virus stupidity is done with) with the rest of the stuff Jamie already has.

These were pretty quick to get done, so I went back to a very neglected project and grabbed the Officer and Adjutant for my WW2 Dieppe Landing Brit Commandos and Canadians Regulars army  for Bolt Action and got them game ready.

The officer on the left is a BlackTreeDesigns British Paratrooper officer. His Adjutant is a Wargames Foundry Commando, great sculpt aside from his eyes - so squinty he looks like he's suffering terribly from allergies.

I felt that in those early days of the commandos that a former para would be a good choice to lead a force, to that end I painted up his denison smock to kind of look like Fieldmarshall Montgomery's in the below picture.

Not sure what'll grab my attention next, though I did slap a the beginnings of colour onto this Warhammer 40'000 statue terrain piece, though not sure when I'll get back to it. 

My first time trying out Games Workshop's Verdigris effect paint. Still lots of work yet to be done.

And that's it for now. With everything being cancelled left right and center of us all, it looks like I'll have lots of extra time on my hands, so expect more posts upcoming!


  1. Good to see you plugging away at a number of projects. The statue will be awesome when complete.

    1. Thanks Jon. Managed to get it done last night and will post it up in the next day or so. :)

  2. Cheers Dai, looking amazing. We've just been told today that we are 'strongly advised' to 'social distance' for the next 12 or so weeks. Could be longer.... so guess it will be solo games for a bit!

    1. Glad they meet your approval mate. They honestly look far better in person though.

      Solo games... The most un-fun way of tabletop gaming. LOL

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Rich, I'll have pics up of the finished piece in the next couple days.

  4. Nice choices with the Dieppe force.

    That statue is done. Just do the stone steps and then drip a few small drops of white paint for bird poo and it's good to go...

    1. Cheers mate.

      It was "almost" done. Now though, it's finished. :)

  5. These are great. Love those Paratroopers by Foundry.

    1. They are some fab sculpts for sure. Glad you like mate.

  6. Great work on the charity project Dai, the troops camo pattern is bloody brilliant, and nice work on the statue looks great so far.

    More posts is not a bad thing, it's a good thing ! DDP

    1. Thanks Dave, I was worried the camo wasn't easy enough to pic out as the colours got a bit muted, but looking at the pic of Monty, the look okay.

      More posts on the way sir!

  7. wow those are tiny!!

    Great job mate!

    1. Goodness yes they are. Not my fav scale to work on, but they paint up quickly!

      Cheers pal.

  8. Para looks good,nice camo! Good looking teeny tiny fantasy types and the statue already looks ace!
    Best Iain

  9. 10mm always looks good at the end, when they are massed together, but these look pretty good even before that.

    Paras are great, and probably a relief after the little guys!

    1. Really appreciate the feedback mate. Thanks loads!

  10. Wow. Quite the contrast in both scale and genre, Dai. All looking very good indeed; especially the 10mm porkie Nosferatu. Awesome paintjob at such a small scale. Marvellous posting!!

    1. Cheers Simon. It was fun to get to grips with all the different scaled figs. Glad you liked!

  11. Great job on these guys. I especially like the paras.
    Yeah, everything is being canceled or closing down but I’m still going to work. It’s kinda surreal. 😀

    1. We're pretty much that way here at the Court - someone has to die at their desk before they allow us to go home.... >_<

      Cheers Stew.
