10 March 2020

For Joshua - Part 1 (Units)

One of my oldest blogging pals, James at Mad Tin Hatter! blog has a very special project going on for his son. I urge any of you to go look into it and if you have time and spare funds to paint up some units to donate to the charity effort. 

All of this is for a 10mm gaming project with a "Good guys" and "Bad guys" side made up of pretty much any fantasy type you can want to include, from Knights and Faeries to Skeletons and Goblins. I like that Jamie has already gotten some undead painted for his "Bad Guys", so I decided to pick up some to add to the effort.

The first units I got painted up for this are what I feel some more elite types, Werewolves and Direwolves. Being 10mm, my eyesight was strained to heck trying to get at least a little detail on them, but I think they came out okay. I mean, what's more evil than bad guys with red eyes!? 

12 Direwolves that should prove to be some good light cavalry assuming the rules allow. The ones with their tongues hanging out are especially fun.

All the figs are by Pendrakon Miniatures and are very nice sculpts for being so small. I really like the mix of full-on Lupines and the semi-were types in the Werewolf unit. Clothing might seem a bit bright, but I wanted them to pop a little on the table. 

Next up for this project will be some minis for a couple Command bases, regular Undead and some Necromancers. Hope to have them painted and posted before the end of the week. "Classic last words". Hope to have them all in the post on their way to James in the UK before the end of the month.


  1. Cheers for the shout out and the support Dai, very much appreciated.

    1. With all the Beer virus nonsense, I didn't leave the hose on the weekend. I'll try to get the figs in the post this weekend mate.

  2. Good work for a good cause. Well done!

  3. Nice work, and a great cause to support.

  4. Great work Dai, and for such a good cause

  5. Lovely work and a great cause!
    Best Iain

  6. Nice job. I haven’t painted 10mm so can only guess at the eye strain. 😀

    Kind of to support your blogging buddy. It’s a terrible loss.
