07 October 2019

Zomtober 2019 (Week 1)

The first week of Zomtober and already I'm late posting, goodness... Well, things on the personal level have been super busy so that's my excuse. Busy "good" too so no complaints at all.

But here we are, week 1's offerings are a meagre pair of Zeds, Fat Leroy Brown and Deborah. Leroy was busy getting a sponge bath in hospital after going under the knife for a spleen removal when suddenly zeds stormed his room, ate the nurse and chowed down on his brain some. Not eating all of it, he resurrected and now patrols the hospital hallways in the hopes of finding that nice nurse again. Deborah had just had a successful trip at the Outlets, even finding a perfect deal on a Kate Spade purse when a crawler  slipped into the store and took a chunk out of her calf. Next thing she new, two more showed up and finished the job so now she has to drag her poor footless self all over the place. (But at least she kept hold of her Outlets haul.)

Apologies for the size of the pictures, i wasnt able edit them on my phone as even after 3 years, its still a mystery to me.


  1. Great stuff Dai! I love your backstories, the Kate Spade purse was brilliant 🤣

    1. Cheers Ivor. Had a bit of fun with these two.

  2. Great start Dai, both great but Leroy has to be my favourite - love that pose.

    1. Thanks Michael - he's one of my fav's too. Just a gormless derp look that drew me in.

  3. Small beginning man and mighty oak trees ;0)

  4. Great opening salvo on your zeds Dai, love your back story's for them

    1. Thanks Dave! I like to add a little flavour to otherwise faceless horde-members.

  5. I have no idea why zombies would hold onto their asessories like that but it does help the miniatures look distinctive. Nice painting 😀

    1. Watch The original Day of Dead. Crap flick, but they had a fun part in that on this topic.

      Cheers matey.

  6. Lovely pair of zombies and great fluff!
    Best Iain

  7. Sooo...what range did the zombie Leroy come from? Or is this a base you created for him? Nicely done!

    1. Leroy (and all my zombies) is off a plastic sprue put out by Wargames Factory. Thanks Terry!

  8. Nice work. I could really do with getting my hands on the Leroy model fir something I want to add to my horde.

    1. He's from the Male Zombies plastic set that Wargames Factory puts out. I got these from Warlord Games when they had a sale on their Project Z (A not very good game, rules-wise) tabletop game.

  9. Beautiful figures, wonderful job!
