01 October 2019

8 Year Blog Anniversary and the Start of Zomtober 2019!

A short post just to write about another blog anniversary, my 8th. Not bad. This year has been a little slow where posting and hobby in general are concerned, so my post count this year has been a bit rubbish. I'm hoping that year 9 of this little place of hobbying will offer more for you dear readers to enjoy.

During this 8th year of this blog, my personal life has changed drastically, I've moved out of the house my ex and I purchased together, seen my divorce from her go through, met someone new and now find myself engaged to marry to my lovely lady as of last month. Crazy times on  a personal level, but I've been enjoying the ride. :)

I still have lots of projects on-going and I plan to try to apply more effort in getting some of them finished by year's end. Between my multiple WW2 armies that require my attention, my Warhammer 40'000 Genestealer Cult, the Burrows and Badgers warbands and now Zomtober 2019 to try to work toward I can see myself potentially being busy these next few months. Hope my hobby mojo can keep up!

I've played no games since my last post and whilst I've done very little work at my hobby desk I do have some things in the pipeline that I plan to show off.

Many thanks as ever go out to my regular readers and commentors who without you lot, I'd have left this blog by the wayside years ago. I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time out to stop by and even comment on my meagre offerings. Please keep it up and I'll try to post more for your efforts.

Cheers and here's to year 9 of this blog!


  1. Congratulations on eight years of blogging and having happiness emerge from a down year. I especially look forward to your WWII projects. Best wishes in Year 9!

    1. Cheers Jonathan. I appreciate you commenting so frequently!

  2. Congrats on #8 Dai! Huge accomplishment! All the best for the upcoming year 🙂

    1. Thank you Ivor, the same to you in return.

  3. Huzzah on 8 solid years of blogging, and of course on your engagement!

    Now hopefully you have time to get down to hobbying too ;)

    1. Finding a little time here and there, yes.

      Hope you are too!

  4. Very many congratulations on the anniversary, always a pleasure to stop by.

    1. Much appreciated sir. Do come by again soon!

  5. Congratulations on your anniversary Dai, and on your engagement, long may you continue to blog

    1. Thanks on all accounts Dave. Your encouragement is certainly a positive factor.

  6. Happy Blogday. Look forward to seeing your Zomtober output!

    1. Thanks Simon, first post is up and already working on Week 2's offering!

  7. Congratulations on your engagement and the blog birthday!
    All the best Iain

  8. Happy blog-o-versary! Sounds like things are on the up and up!

  9. Is that zombie time already? Where does the time go...
    BIG congratulations on year 8! And my heart felt congrats on your personal life entering a more happy time. 😀

    1. And I know just how much you L-O-V-E all things "zombie". LOL

      Thanks Stew. Here's hoping the same for you too.

  10. Congratulations on the milestone! I often think, if not for members of the community like Michael Awdry and Simon Quinton who regularly read and comment a lot of us would have abandoned our blogs long ago!

    1. Couldn't agree more sir. Those two fine gents have far more time than I do on their hands! LOL Cheers!

  11. Congrats Dai! I think I started blogging about the same time you did as my first post was Sept 2011. Blogs are fantastic for seeing the work of others & hey we get to become involved in things like ZOMBTOBER!

    1. Very true! Glad you stopped by and thanks Terry.
