06 September 2018

This puppy just loves everyone!

Wowzers! Over a month since my last post!

Well, hobby mojo was next to dead so didn't feel like painting at all after my trip back home to the UK. Until this week, that is.

So here i present you some of the stuff that I can show off from the paint station:

Actually just finished this current model by Games Workshop of a Beast of Nurgle. It was a pain to put together as a kit, but the finished model looks pretty good (if one picks the least cartoony options.).

Painting took a few lengthy sessions and i had lots of time to get stuck in yesterday and today seeing as I've been home looking after a feverish 13-year-old.

What i painted originally to get me back in the mood are as follows. Just simple contemporary zombies and some 3D printed scatter terrain pieces. Nothing fancy, but a nice reintroduction to painting.

I like to call 2nd from left "Pegs"

Next up? Well, I've got some Badgers and Burrows minis on the desk and maybe just maybe I'll work some more on those poor unloved Winter Germans, or, heaven forbid I remember to get back to the commissions i should have finished an age ago!?


  1. Puppy looks great! The skin color is especially well done. It is a pity that GW did not make the basic figure slightly more pose-able, as a bunch of these would look very samey even with all the head and hand options.

    Hope the kid gets better soon.

    1. Thanks mate. I agree and so for my 2nd one, I've taken some left over bits and have slowly started to sculpt my own in some crazed hopeful mindset that it'll end up looking even a quarter as good as the official kit.

  2. Great work on the new Beast of Nurgle, Dai. The old model was such a big fave of mine that I painted three for my Nurgle Host LOL!! I do own this one too, but have yet to assemble him, so I found this posting rather inspiring to dig him out and get some paint on him. Great paint-job :-)

    1. I liked your takes on the last version, so am eager to see what you make of this one!
      Cheers mate.

  3. Nice looking beast! Useful scatter terrain and I guess you can't have too many zombies! I haven't posted for ages, I'm halfway through loads of stuff,I guess that doesn't count?
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain.

      There is literally no such thing as "too many zombies". Ever.

      And of course "half way through" counts! That's called WIP and any progess is better than non at all. ;)

  4. The muted tones you've used on the beast, really sell the model well Dai, the zombies turned out well, and great way to get yourself back into painting, the scenery looks good to.

  5. Why does everything in nurgle have to be so gross! Very nice painting. I hope the hobby mojo stays with you. 😀

    1. Cos he's the god of poo and nasty STD's? LOL

      Cheers Matey.

  6. Some good looking stuff there. I'm glad the mojo is back. Keep them coming.

  7. Wow, incredible work there, especially on that Beast of Nurgle! Excellent job as ever.

    1. Cheers Ed. Always been partial to Nurgle's pup's.

  8. Puppy looks awesome. Nice work on the zombies keeps some for Zomtober next month :)

    1. There are ALWAYS zombies left over for Zomtober!


      Thanks Simon.

  9. Excellent way to come back from a haitus. Good looking miniatures, I have no use for one but want one now.

    I imagine converting a few to make them look sufficiently different might be a lot of work, or use a fair amount of putty.

    1. Yeah one is fine, more than that, no. Kit looks pretty once, then is rubbish. Which is short sighted by GW. Again. (Shock)

      Thanks mate

  10. Hummm.

    Hope the small person recovers. Nice gross things, but especially the book cases/shelving units.

    1. He did.

      Books to come for those shelves believe it or not.
