24 September 2018

Millicent Duskward - Rogues and Royalists

Just a little painting done of late.

This is the first of my charming collection of minis from the recently released (Recent as in "This year".) anthropomorphic skirmish rules set, Burrows and Badgers by Oathsworn Miniatures. I have 16 more to paint and show off in the coming months.

Due to the game's more campaign/role-play-esque nature, it's encouraged to name your warbands and each team member, which I love. So I present to you, the first member of my Rogue's warband, The Red Toothe - Millicent Duskward, a Bat Sorceress. This mini is infact the main reason I started buying into the game as I liked her so much. She's tiny as well, maybe 22mm tall, which works for a bat from the British Isles as none I believe are much bigger than a mouse in real life.

*Full blame for getting my attention onto this game can be attributed to Simon Quinton and Blaxkleric for showing off their own lovely B&B collections!

Lighting's a bit cach, I really need to get a better light-box.

Bit tricky to get in all her details as she's wrapping her wings about her person.

The sculpted details are just crisp and lovely. All the Oathsworn sculpts seem to be very well designed single-piece metal miniatures, yet have enough detail and dynamism to stay away from the early 90's flat-style sculpts, impressive!

Tried to paint her up as a Common British Noctule and gave her a cream-coloured shift to contrast against the browns. Think it worked well. 

Next on the paint bench for this project will be the leader of The Red Toothe rogues herself, Ma Tuppence!


  1. She is quite charming, especially as I am one of the few people I know who like bats. I saw some the Burrows and Badgers scenery in a Sarissa advert recently, it all looks rather tempting, especially for someone like me who grew up on The Wind in the Willows.

    1. Thanks Mike, I am a fan of bats as well. Just adorable little flitterers.

      That new scenery has been hard to ignore... Perfect for the setting and Sarissa make some nice models.

  2. Beautiful work!

    I've been seriously tempted by Burrows and Badgers having picked up the rulebook a while back. I will be following your progress with interest!

    All the best!

    1. Appreciate the kind words Richard.

      The game is very fun and offers lots of tactical choices ingame, but also allows for some decent customisation options where team creation and in-between games occurs. Plus, it's a charming little tome to read through. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Cheers mate. Reading through Redwall for the first time and was inspired by the way Jacques had named his characters.

  4. Looks stunning, the cream robe really makes the subtle browns stand out more, and there is a real life to her face. Great work and nice looking base too as these can often be overlooked

    1. Cheers Dave. Seen some brighter schemes that other bloggers had tried with her and felt they took away from the sculpt as a whole so decided to keep her closer to warm neutral colours.
      IMO, a complicated base can look pretty for sure, but I feel often takes away too much from the actual miniature(s) based upon them! So I try to keep mine simple. :)

  5. She’s a cracker mate, what a characterful sculpt and very nicely painted

    1. Thanks mate. I had fun trying to work out where the dress began and the wings ended, but otherwise she was a breeze to paint up.

  6. Very cool miniature! I know what it’s like when other people’s blog start temptation for a project. And that B and B range is so full of character. Look forward to seeing more! 😀

    1. Cheers matey and there's plenty more to come!

  7. Lovely paintwork, nice figure,I have to say I quite like bats, they're a bit disconcerting flying around your dinning room!
    Best Iain

    1. Yeah, that would make the hairs on my neck stand on end!

      Cheers Iain.

  8. Very nice. A very characterful figure. I think it's nice to get away from the more "serious" aspects of the hobby and do things that just capture your imagination.

    1. Thanks Sean. Agree with you entirely. The whole setting for Burrows & Badgers has really fueled my imagination, so much so that each of my gang members has a small write-up!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Simon. Already got started on the next critter. These sculpts are so fun to paint.
