14 August 2017

Comrade! (Part 22 - M3 Half-track Done!)

Painting progress Comrades!

The M3 Half-track is done. Think I went a little overboard with the snow effects, but otherwise I’m happy enough with it. The model is a resin by Blitzkrieg Miniatures and required only a little clean up, mainly on the underside where there were some semi-ugly mold plug things, but aside from those just some slight resin flash. My only real criticism of this model is that it didn't come with any crew minis, but I just went and made a driver out of a plastic soviet tank commander with a headswap. Painting was all done with a brush and markings were unused decals from my T34/85. 

There was a picture of the back end too, but when I got to work to do the picture editing, I then realised it was out of focus. So, meh.

Action shot with some troops for fun and to show the scale of the Half-Track.
Here's the current standing of the Winter Soviets project in my display case:

What do I have planned for the gap at the front? Well I am happy you asked, because....

I also got these 5 painted up and since taking these pics have dressed their bases. Five to go and then  the squad of 10 will be done and I’ll start working on some Winter Germans which will be a nice change of pace. 

Switched up the Winter-white painting recipe a bit by applying a thinned layer of  brown wash to the creases. Liked the result so much I grabbed my squad of Scouts from the display case and spruced up their Winter Onesies with the same method and they look SO MUCH better for it too.


  1. What can I say? Excellent work my friend, Your winter, frozen soviet looks very, very good!

    1. Glad you liked it! Thanks Michal! :)

  2. Atmospheric and beautiful painting!

  3. Brrrr looks chilly! Great job they look fab together and look suitably realistic!

    1. Excellent. One day I'll even get them to an event. Cheers mate.

  4. Nicely done. I've gone back to putting washes on my figures of late. I think it really adds depth to the paint job.

    1. And it's a simple effect to apply too. Thanks Sean.

  5. I don't think you can ever go overboard with the snow effects - stunning work!

    1. Well if you say so Michael, I'll take it! :)

      Thanks sir.

  6. More marvellous work from the Wizard of Winter Weathering!! :-)

    1. You make me sound like a Wildling Witch from Game of Thrones! LOL!

      Many thanks Simon.

  7. Looks great! Is that the whole force now?

    1. More or less. After this last squad is done i only have some rarely taken options loke a medic or light mortar and AT rifle teams that can wait.
      With that on mind i call these fully painted very soon and the germans.

    2. Then, not the. Bloody phone

  8. Nice half track, lovely force, just waiting for your anti tiger IS2!
    Best Iain

    1. The IS2 will have to wait until next year I think. No more purchases until I have what I already own painted!

  9. Lovely work as ever Dai, your snow camo always leaves me envious. Took me a couple of glances to work out what they were being photographed on - I thought they were driving over a frozen lake for a while.

    1. Thanks Ed - yes, a glass-top patio table. Good for neutral coloured setting and looks like a frozen Soviet lake to boot! ^_^

  10. That weathering and wear is absolutely stunning! Well done, Dai.

    1. Very kind of you to say so Matthew, thanks mate.
