03 August 2017


Last night Densmol came over for Beer, BBQ and Bolt Action. (Hence the post title - clever eh? Okay, probably not)

We played a 1000 points game with my Soviets versus Densmol's Germans. The mission was an objective grab and hold affair from the main rule book called "Key Positions" and we rolled for 3 objectives total. In lieu of cheesing about the place and dropping them in convenient areas of the table, we decided to stick them in nice non-preferential spots on the centerline of the board and I added some fun crates, etc to give further credence as to why our commanders would have us grab them in the first place. Once turn 6 comes around (And a potential turn seven, dice roll dependent.), who ever holds more objectives uncontested wins.

Densmol's list was (to the best of my memory) as follows *All Regulars aside from Veteran SS*:

  • 2nd Lt + 2 Adjutants
  • 10x Heer inc Panzerfaust and LMG 
  • 10x Heer inc Panzerfaust and LMG 
  • 6x SS with Assault Rifles and 4 x Panzerfausts 
  • Medium Mortar
  • 251/1 D half track
  • Tiger 1E (!!!)

I decided to use my list I had hoped to take to the tournament last month (But never did.) *All Regulars aside from Free Inexperienced infantry*:

  • 1st Lt + Adjutant
  • 10x Guards with LMG and Panzerfaust
  • 10x Guards with LMG and Panzerfaust
  • 7x Scouts with SMG's
  • 8x Tank Riders with SMG's and LMG
  • 12x Free Inexperienced with rifles and Molotovs
  • Sniper Team
  • Medium Mortar with Spotter
  • Truck with MMG
  • M3 Half Track with HMG
  • M3 Stuart with 5 (!!!) MMG's

So his 7 order dice versus my 11. 

The game was lots of fun with some really cinematic events and a LOT of rules referencing due to us not playing for months. We also didn't declare what all the terrain elements were so buggered up there a bit too with some silly maneuvers that wouldn't have happened if "x, y or z" were the case. Regardless it was super fun, lots of dice were thrown and models removed due to outrageous casualties!

Hope you enjoy the write-up and half-arsed pictures! :)

Here's the table layout with the three objectives highlighted with exciting stars. Germans advanced from the north side, Soviets up from the Southern edge.
For reserves, Densmol held off his half-track with his Lt+pals and a Heer squad inside. I chose to have my Scout squad come in outflank on my right side (Not available until turn 3) and my Inexperienced Squad in the truck to shore up any gaps that might appear in my lines. The rest of our stuff came on from our respective table-edges on turn one.

My Stuart with Tank Riders aboard zipped up the left flank along with my half-track and it's bussed Guards Squad. My other Guards Squad headed on foot into the trees, using them as cover to head to either the center or right most objective depending on which looked safer. Supporting them to their right and also in the trees is my sniper team. Off to the bottom left corner of this pic, my Mortar team set up behind the rocky outcrops there whilst their dedicated spotter moved up alongside the woods to the right to offer more targeting opportunities.
Densmol rolled his fearsome Tiger to sit menacingly near the center of the board. supported in the center woods by a Heer squad. His SS moved down the road next to the hovel and his own Mortar team set up behind the orchard with a nice view down the road and beyond.
A better view of Densmol's advance near the hovel.
Guards Squad (Shamefully unpainted) and Sniper team advance through the trees with Mortar Spotter hugging the hedges. 
My Mortar set up safely behind the Rocks as the Stuart and halftrack make a beeline for the left most objective. That Tiger is looking hungry out near the center!

Guards Squad dashes from their transport to claim the objective then hear a giant boom as the Tiger sights on the poor half-track and turns it into scrap with it's 88 gun. First blood to the Bosch.
In a first for me in Bolt Action, my Mortar team spots the nasty SS Vets as they dart down the road and try to range in. I needed a 6 and expected nothing of it but rolled anyway. And rolled a 6! With the nasty Nazis bunched together all of them ended under the 2" blast template and after some very nice damage rolls there were no survivors. My finest Bolt Action moment to date!
Squads on both sides move through wooded areas to keep the precious cover. Densmol's own Mortar fails to range in on my left most Guards Squad holding that objective and he manages to bring on his half-track packed with his Lt and his second Heer squad. The Tiger takes out a couple members of the same Guards Squad, but they hold firm.
On the 3rd turn, my Scouts come in on the right flank and unload into the rear of of the halftrack pinning the occupants. Off-picture, the Sniper add's another pin. In revenge, the Tiger rolled up and unloaded with it's Machineguns slaying 3 of the Onesie-wearing Scouts.
Leaving my Lt+mate to hold the left Objective, I run the remainder of the Guards Squad toward the Central one. I also brought on from reserve up the road (Even tho the stupid arrow in the pic shows otherwise.) my truck containing the Inexperienced squad to bolster them. The Guards are mercilessly shot at by the German Heer along the edge of the woods, but somehow stick around regardless of casualties taken.
The Guards Squad in the woods keep on heading up and try to shoot the Tiger with their Panzerfaust!
And miss.... With the leftmost Guards own Panzerfaust wielder now dead there's very little I can do to the horrible Big Kat except try to ignore it.

Densmol's Heer in the half-track finally get their shit together and hop out to claim the right most objective, the Tiger takes what should be an easy shot at the Inexperienced Squad and misses! The last few members of the Scout Squad are gunned down after failing to move into cover turn after turn.
With a last ditch effort, the Tiger tries to whittle down the Squad in the woods with yet more MG fire, but fails to do any real damage and the German halftrack with the Lieutenant inside attempts to roll over to the Center objective so the Lieutenant can hop out and contest it for a draw. But he FUBAR’s and his driver has other plans, shoving the transport into reverse at top speed!!!!

At this point, it's the bottom of the 6th turn. The only way Densmol could manage to pull back a draw was if he successfully rolled for a possible 7th turn. He didn't and with two objectives in my hands to his one, the day was mine.

It was fun to finally get in a game after ages and even though we were fluffing our way through the rules and I was swearing up a storm due to his stupid Tiger and it's "Tiger Fear" rule causing me to miss multiple Orders tests, we both claimed a good time was had.

If you made it this far, well done - you win too.


  1. Interesting list for the Germans and a solid Battle Report bud, wasn't expect a bloody Tiger 1 though in 1k, he's a mad man hehe. I do love the Tiger Fear rule though and it makes my Panther G even more fun to run :D

    1. Gawds how I loathe the Tiger Fear rule. Still, makes for some interesting choice-making in-game.

      Densmol is a firm Tiger fan and tries to fit his tank in to most every list he plays. Right now, he's drooling over that new plastic King Tiger that Warlord previewed - yikes... I need an IS-2 or 3 even!

    2. What you need is 2 Gods of War, the Zis.3 that'll make a nice mess of everything. Failing turn up with a ''captured'' Maus ;) We can change history right?

  2. Thanks a lot for a battlerep. Looking very interesting!
    And a .... Tiger 1E !

    1. Cheers Michal!

      The Tiger reigned supreme - thank goodness it was missing so often!

  3. Great stuff and well done you and the mortar team!

    1. Thanks Michael! They definitely earned a double ration of vodka after that!

  4. Great to see a bat rep and I am sure it will help kick your painting into high gear.

    1. Cheers mate - yer not wrong there, already half way through painting that infantry squad!

  5. Very cool! Looks like it was a hoot!

  6. Looks like great fun , and the Stuart didn't get destroyed? Even better!
    Best Iain

    1. The Stuart was almost a waste of points truth be told. All it ended up being was an expensive transport option!

  7. Looks like a good time, and congrats on the win!

    Although maybe a bit green for a winter force ;)

    1. Heh, that'll change in the next months. Cant call this my "Winter project" if i just half arse it and only theme my armies!
      Thanks mate.

  8. I DO feel like a winner.

    I was gonna say in your previous post that the way to increase motivation for a project is to start playing with it, no matter the stage of completion.

    1. Heh, youll always be a winner to me Stew. :D

  9. Looked like a great game. That mortar shot was epic.

    1. Next time you're visiting maybe see if i cant convince you to play eh Sean? ;)

  10. Great report! I hope that BBQ and beer was as good as the game.

    1. Thanks Matthew. BBQ was surprisingly good as I am not a spectacular grill-ist by any means.

  11. BBB is always a good time :-) Nice report. Tiger fear sucks, but FUBAR is worse. Last time I did that a Brit Para squad put 20 odd dice into their LT at a range of 2", It didn't end well...


  12. Wow!

    I like the idea of combining Bolt Action and alcohol - I've never tried it, mostly because whenever/wherever I get to play I always have to drive.

    Today, however, I discovered that a friend at work has just bought a flat...quite near to where the Plymouth FLGS is. I might just need to arrange a post-game sleepover...
