09 December 2016

Comrade! (Part 18 - Done)

The final piece of my 1000 point Bolt Action Soviet army is painted and weathered.

This is a T34/85, a tank with a gun that was developed specifically to be able to pop later mark German Panzer iv tanks. It could also pierce the thick armour on Tigers and Panthers on occasion . It became the main battle tank of the Soviet Union until the end of the war.

As with the rest of my Soviet collection, I slapped a whitewash on the tank. The red stars are sloppy free-hand, as is the basic Cyrillic on the turret. It’s been pointed out to me that the snow effects are a little unrealistic as most of it would fall off as it trundles across the battlefield, but too late now. It’s on and it’ll have to do.

*And yes, a post with full army pics is forthcoming, it’s just soggy as heck outside right now, so I’ll have to wait until the wet weather moves on.


  1. That tank really does look the business Dai, and I don't see there being anything wrong with the snow effects. Maybe they would fall off if the vehicle was moving, but most of the time on a tabletop it'll be simply sat on the table stationary ;-) Great painting imho... great 1,000pt army!!!

    1. Actually you're right there. That gun can shoot 6'. Terrain allowing, it'll sit and take pot shots most games. Thanks mate - it's a good feeling knowing the project is complete. (Of course until I start painting the additional units....)

    2. No problems Dai. This really has been a corking series of postings, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. It's a shame I can't get across the Pond to you and see them across the tabletop in a battle.

    3. Well, I have no idea when my next visit back to the UK will be, but when it is, I'll be making sure to keep some dates open to try to meet up with some blogging pals like your good self for sure!

    4. :)

      Maybe it's just ploughed through a snowdrift, anyway!

      Love it, mate - especially the freehand.

    5. Cheers Drax. Seems there are lots of believable settings for this fellow. :)

  2. Awesome paint job & bold weathering - looks great! Very thematic.

  3. Looks like it was lifted straight out of a photograph! Excellent work!

    1. You'll make me blush Ed... Kind of you to say so.

  4. Lovely work mate. The Ruskies certainly had the most attractive looking kit on my opinion. The shape of that beast is something else.

    1. I'm with you on that. Just robust designs, no nonsense. Cheers!

  5. Great looking tank, got no problem with the snow finish, I like the hand painted star and shouldn't the motto be hand painted anyway?
    Best Iain

  6. Looks excellent to me. I see no reason why that much snow would freeze to the metal hull anyway. Ignore them it is fabulous!

    1. :) Thanks for the encouragement Simon.

  7. Looks great! What's up next for you?

    1. A small break from WW2 until the new year. After that, it's on to the Winter German force that will be facing these frosty Soviets!

      Thanks Rich!

  8. Looks good to me. I think snow falling off or sticking on is getting close to the realm of being beardy. Make it how you like it.

  9. Bit late I know, but that's some quality brushwork Dai.

  10. Wonderful job on this tank, wonderful job!
