21 December 2016

Comrade! - (Army pics)

1000 point Bolt Action force of Late War Soviets.

1. GAZ-67 Jeep transport for the Mortar team
2. Medium Mortar team and spotter
3. T-34/85 tank
4. ZIS-6 Truck transport for the Guards squad
5. Sniper team
6. BA-64 Armoured Car
7. ZIS-3 Divisional Gun team
8. Maxim Medium Machine Gun team
9. Veteran Tank Riders squad
10. Guards Infantry squad
11. (Free, points-wise) Inexperienced Infantry squad
12. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant

The whole lot

Stuff on the right

Front rank out of focus

Now in focus

Better look at those cold-whipped faces

Motor Pool

What's next? (I hear you ask.)

Well for these Communist boys, I have a squad of Scouts in overalls, a Light Mortar team, Commissar, 2nd Officer, Medic and a couple of Anti-Tank rifle teams to paint up for some more options. I also plan to pick up another squad of regular infantry plus a 2nd truck and an earlier war tank to expand my playing options.

I've mentioned before I also have a German force to face the above Soviets, also a Winter (Of course) themed force in greatcoats and scarves, etc. I have almost all the pieces for this 1000 point army with just a ½-track and Panzerschreck team left to pick up. 2017 will be a little more bad-guy-ish I guess.

Due to being so ill, not much painting has been undertaken since my last post, though I did manage to work a little on a Reaper Bones Hill Giant I’d picked up ages ago. I wanted to work on something NOT-World War 2 for a bit! Am hoping to have the big bugger  finished and posted here before the Year’s end.

Tonight will also see the 1st outing of my above Soviets on the game table – a game of Bolt Action versus my regular opponent Densmol’s Germans (Reportedly bringing an evil SS list.). I’ll try to get some pics and post up an AAR on the affair for you to read.

Should I get no further posts out prior to the weekend, then I hope you all have a very happy Xmas with your loved ones, safe and warm and full of as many hobby/gaming-themed gifts as is possible!


  1. Awesome-looking force - very dynamic & atmospheric. I really like how the snow has been trudged around - the figures genuinely look like they're inhabiting the environment.

    1. Really kind of you to say so mate - thanks!

  2. Very nice red horde, eh comrade. ;)

  3. oh man!Excellent looking platoon! Love it!

  4. Lovely stuff Dai, merry xmas

  5. A stunning post, Dai, and well worth both the effort on your part and the wait on mine :-) Have a merry Christmas, comrade, and thanks for both your postings here and your comments on my humble blog.

    1. Am glad it was worth the wait! And to you my friend - here's to many more shared hobby adventures in the blogosphere!

  6. Absolutely fantastic, man! I am really impressed with how they look all ranked up, you've done an exemplary job on the force!

    1. Kind of you to say so mate, thanks muchly!

  7. Cracking effort mate - the whole is a very cohesive looking collection of Ruskies.

    All the best to you and yours this Xmas and New Years. Here's to victory in your next battle, and many more i 2017!

    1. I instead lost horribly in my next battle. Like, REALLY horribly. ^_^

      Hope Xmas Down Under was a good'n for you and yours mate!

  8. Looking good! Makes me want to put on a sweater. At first I thought you were photographing them in mud before I figured out it was a glass table.

    See you in the new year.

  9. They look absolutely brilliant and it has been a real treat seeing the force assembled over the months.

    1. Appreciate you always leaving encouraging comments throughout this project Michael!

  10. Good stuff. Remember, no retreat, no surrender comrade! The commissars will be right behind you.

    1. You should have mentioned as much to them when you saw them in person. So far this force has not been very good at all. Or is it their general that is awful? ^_^

  11. Beautiful!

    So lovely to see this festive family photo - I especially love the matching outfits you all went with this year!

    1. We were going to go for ugly sweaters for picture day, but the warrant officer heard Teliogeika and Greatcoats instead, the git.

  12. Stunning looking force. Liking the winter theme very much so.

    Have a good one and enjoy the holidays, Christmas greetings to you and your family :)

    1. And to you and yours Simon! Thanks mate.

  13. They look even better all together and they looked pretty good on their own lovely bunch of reds.
    Best Iain

    1. Kind of you to say so Iain, thanks mate.

  14. An incredible army; the bases and snow really draw it together. It'll look great on the table, I'm sure.

    1. It looked okay, but my table is still green coloured! On a snow/winter theme table though, I'm sure it'll be great. Thankyou as ever for the encouraging comments Ed.

  15. That's a fantastic looking force, Dai. A real labour of love to have built it all up, was terrific to see you adding the bits and pieces. Love the many details like the streaking of rust under the whitewash on the vehicles. I am sure these chaps will fight well for Stalin and the rodina. Hope you're better soon and that you have a terrific holiday season. Best, Michael

    1. Thanks Mike on all accounts. Some days later and I'm feeling chipper and thankfully Xmas wasn't ruined by my coughs and sniffles. Sadly though, it was passed on to my Mum, who in turn took it to Orlando to pass on to my sister and her own family. Sharing is caring!

  16. Replies
    1. Yikes.... not all of us have patience, storage and funds to keep adding like you! :P

      Cheers mate.

  17. Those are some amazing pics. Good luck against the SS scum, Komrade.
    And happy holidays, Dai!

    1. Glad you stopped by and thanks Matthew!

      The SS scum prevailed and my poor Ivans ran with their backsides soundly thrashed. Next time I guess.

      Best wishes this holidays to you also!
