11 October 2016

Zomtober 2016 (Week 2 - WIP WeekWIP) And an Anniversary or two.

But what work that was done was poignant and so some photos of my WIP Soviets and of course, Zombies:

WIP WW2 German zombies for Konflikt 47. Very early stage on these. They were constructed out of the Warlord Games German Grenadiers plastic set and with some very simple hand switching, etc they seem to be just what I needed. Only 3 so far, but hoping to have another 12 (At least) for when I finally get around to playing a game of K'47.

I actually painted 7 more Soviets, but the sergeant was done late last night on impulse after this picture was taken. These will all be members of a "free" 12-man Inexperienced infantry that we Soviet players get in Bolt Action. With one already painted yonks ago, I've only 4 more to get through and then it's on to the bases. Not bad for me speed-wise.

And that's it. Or is it?

Not quite. The 1st of the month passed by and I didn't even realise that  the 5th anniversay or birthday of this blog starting was quite forgotten. So there you  go - as ever, thanks to all those who take the time to stop by, read my drivel, view the pictures of my work and pause long enough to leave a comment on my hobbying. It all keeps me motivated to get shit done!

Anniversary the 2nd - today marks the 15th anniversary of my emigrating to the United States. Holy poop-shoots that's gone by far more swiftly than I'd realised. On the cusp of turning 40 it suddenly struck me I've lived outside of Britain almost as long as I'd grown up within. Interesting.


  1. Congratulations on the Blogiversary...and on your 15th year in the US.

  2. Humm, hope the break leaves you feeling better.

  3. Congratz and waiting for w.i.p. minis :)

  4. Promising progress and many congratulations on the milestone, I sure there will be many more.

  5. Happy bloggiversary. Nice progress on the Sovs. My only progress right now is on battle reports and it's slow going. I also need to do some yard work so our house doesn't look abandoned.

    1. Thanks Sean.

      Battle reports DO take time! Am still trying to get up the energy to write my last ACW game from yonks ago!

  6. Hey Dai! Happy 5th Anniversary! Figured Zomtober was a good opportunity for me to visit your Blog!

  7. Happy Blogversary :D Zombies are coming along nicely as are the Soviet forces.

    1. Much appreciated Simon. Hopefully some finished figs for next update....

  8. Zombies looking good, soviets looking better well done on anniversaries.
    Best Iain

  9. Progressing nicely Dai. Good stuff! :)

  10. Well, as usual I'm fashionably late to the party.

    HEARTY CONGRATS on the anniversaries!

    Five years, eh? Strewth. I really wish that either (a) I'd been out there this year or (b) I'd been able to see you when you were on the correct side of the pond.

    Ho-hum. Here's to the future, eh?

    (and K47)

    1. Well, I dunno about fashionably per se, but yes, yer late.

      Thanks lots matey.

      I'll be back over there again in another year or two. We'll make "something" work eventually.

      To the future! *raises mug of tea in salute*
