03 October 2016

Zomtober 2016 (Week 1)

October is here and that means Zomtober in the hobby blogosphere. The rules are simple, paint at least one Zombie theme'd mini per week for the month of October and post it on your blog, Sundays being the submission date. Hard for me to do cos my home PC is a bag of shite and I hate the blogger app, so have to wait to post until Monday morning (Like now), but I'm sure that works too.

My plan this Zomtober was to work opn some WW2 German zombies that I'd kit-bashed out of the Warlord Games plastic German Grenadiers boxed set, but I couldn't get them based and primed in time for week #1. Instead I present this hastily painted Kickstarter exclusive Sedition Wars sci-fi zombie fig of not-Ripley & Newt from the Aliens film. As you can see, they've kind of merge-melted together and grown a tummy-mouth. Only thing really that is left to do is add Tamiya Clear Red for some blood effects, but my pot was unexpectedly dried up due to my son leaving it open! >_<

The WW2 German zombies are now primed and ready to paint up, so expect this very weekend a post showing how poorly I can paint up German uniforms! :)


  1. That looks utterly vile, Dai, in the best way possible obviously!! What a grisly sculpt, and what a cracking colour choice too. Lovely and icky!!

    1. The yellow is to match my Zeds painted from last year's Zomtober! (That's how long it's been since I painted undead... This needs to be addressed!)

      Thanks mate. :)

  2. That is truly disgusting, in a wonderful way! What a fabulous start to your Zomtober account.

    1. Many thanks Michael - next ones will hopefully be as much fun, but a little less yucky.

  3. LOL I love Simon's comment. Utterly vile indeed it does. Fantastic mini and fab entry for Week 1!

    1. He certainly has a way with words! ;)

      Thanks Simon.

  4. I work with someone who looks just like that.....

    1. a career in the Horror film business surely awaits?

  5. Looks fantastic in a suitably gribbly way as Simon says. Well done and off to a cracking start. :)

  6. Ha, Blaxkleric already used my first thought....vile.
    It's a bit of a busy model, I have trouble figuring out what's going on. It usually helps to paint those figs to understand them. Is the head/face/torso falling/rotting off some metal skeleton that is growing out of the body?

    1. It IS a little bit hard to see what's going on and I blame the "1am hyper contrast under the daylight bulb" lighting. And my quick'n'dirty [read:lazy] paint job.
      The original non-zombie version of this character is of Ripley stood with Newt in her left arm, held off the ground and pulse rifle in her right. This sculpt is supposed to illustrate the Tech-zombie virus having infected them and now Newt is the sole arm sticking out ahead and little pink head above the tummy-maw, and Ripley's now robot-looking head is perched atop the whole torso looking to the mini's left.
      Pics really don't do the sculpt justice, honest.

  7. Ugly, but i love this model and excellent painting! Great work Dai!

    1. Ha! Yes, they are an ugly combo for sure! But I don't think they were supposed to look cuddly!

      Thanks Michal!

  8. Nice /nasty, you know what I mean! Good luck with the undead.
    Best Iain

    1. Heh, thanks mate. There'll be more on Monday!

  9. Excellent start figure for Zom(b)tober. I don't know that I'll be doing anything themed this year. I need to catch up on several projects.

    1. Thanks Sean. This was just a fill-in to make sure I had a Zed painted for week 1. Next ones painted will be WW2 for my German Weird War army. :)

  10. Great start to Zombtober. Due to various real life issues (tm) I unfortunately missed out this year... again.

    1. There's still time to join up! ^_^

      THanks mate.

  11. Awesome work man! I'd forgotten all about the old sedition wars minis - good stuff!

    1. Their designs were so good, but the finished product lacked horribly. Still, zombies just need to look the part and that isn't hard where details (Or lack there of) are concerned.
