07 April 2016

Penned up

A short post.

Health issues of late have again stymied my efforts to get stuff done, but I did get some few things done.

I painted up these Renedra plastic Wattle Fencing pieces for my 28mm Dark Ages project (That I believe could also be used in Bolt Action WW2 at a stretch?). The designs were very crisp and easy to clip and clean up from the sprues and painted up easily with a dark brown spray of enamel household paint and dry-brushed with some P3 Trollblood something-or-other named grey. I then spray varnished with first gloss varnish and then once dried, Testor’s Dulcote. The small dirt areas also got a swift drybrush with a mud colour. I’m still trying to decide whether I’ll add some flock or the odd grass tuft or not?

Here are my brave Saxons defending this small farmstead from... who? Fencing fits in nicely I think.

No pictures as yet, but I’ve also been working on my first 15mm ACW Infantry Regiment. They are just needing basing and the odd highlight here and there until I can call them done. It suddenly got a lot easier to paint them when I ceased to worry about all the normal attention to detail I’d put into my 15mm WW2 Commonwealth infantry. It’s made the whole process far easier to stomach, as I find batch painting to be an ‘orrible slog….

Hopefully will have a post up of the finished regiment in the next day or two.

Lastly, I’ve got my first game of Bolt Action set for tomorrow evening. New gaming pal, Travis is supplying the armies for a learner game at our LGS and I’m really excited. Along with this, I’ve also a learning game of Bolt Action to play against my mate Densmol with our unpainted forces arranged for Saturday morning. So maybe some AAR’s and pictures forthcoming of both!?



  1. I do hope that you are feeling better soon! I like the look of those plastic fences, could certainly use some of those myself.

    1. Thanks Michael. The fences were certainly a good purchase - I think you'd do them up a treat.

  2. They look good, as does the cottage. I'd be tempted to add a small base to them and add some grass and mud?

    1. The fences are on washers right now which works fine as bases seem to just get in the way. But the washers have dirt modeled on them, so I think I will indeed add some grass and tufts here and there.

  3. Looking forward to those ACW chaps. I have to second Stuart, I think terrain looks better on a base than it does 'floating' but that's just preference.

    1. A little grass and flowers added to the wee washers they have as bases has made all the difference.

      ACW fellows will be posted up later today!

  4. Aaah. Here's to a speedy recovery. I now have a mental list of all the bits failing on my dad now. Something to look to in addition to hereditary male pattern baldness.

    1. Yeesh.... Yeah - likewise with my old man. No idea where my own MPB came from - I'm the only one in the family with that particular affliction!

  5. Nice fencing, Dai. Are you planning on attending Kublacon next month? I'm flying in.

    1. Cheers Rich. As of now, I doubt it. I'd like to though and if my situation changes, will be certain to let you know!
