28 March 2016

Different things (NSFW - Or maybe it is? I dunno, I'm not sensitive to this crap)

This week has been somewhat quiet on the hobby front, mostly due to health issues again, but I persevered and got a few things finished.

First off, another Viking Bondi, now bringing my Warriors unit up to 6 out of 8. He was fun to paint and I thought some woad face-painting was fun to add, as though he was a foreigner who's been inducted into the ranks for some reason or other and now fights for viking fortune and fame.

the shield design is a strange one that I'd not seen before. Almost an old Roman design and nothing at all like the more well-known round shields. saying that I like them and this unit of warriors will all be armed with them to help tell them apart from the other two units of warriors that I will be painting in the future. (The red has far more depth and highlight in real life - the lighting has washed it all out....)

Both fur lined and deep blue, this fellow's cloak is rather resplendent if you ask me.
*I realised after putting together this post that I have forgotten to add washes to face and hands which I'll take care of later this evening*

Next Warrior on the painting bench will be this bloke. Here's a WIP pic.

Here you see the shield again, which like the last fig has been sculpted in. This one is going to be about contrasts - boring grey quilted jacket with fur-lined green hat, pink under-shirt and striped trousers. Yeah, with that bright red shield - he's stylin' alright.

My mate Steve also asked that I paint up some random critters he somehow purchased, so I started on this tiny Tortoise. Cute little bugger.

This fellow came from a Reaper Miniatures Animal Companions or Familiars pack or something. Very nice sculpts. 

This base is a 20mm if I recall correctly. Others in the pack include a penguin, fox, racoon, skunk and armadillo!
Lastly what could be seen as NSFW though I'm rather ambivalent where this stuff is concerned. so that's yer warning.

My mate Dave put in far too much money pledging on the Kingdom Death Monster Kickstarter. He's not much of a hobbyist and so I offered to put together the newly arrived expansions that he'd ordered for the game - a task that was rather daunting as there are no instructions to be found anywhere on how to assemble the monsters anywhere!

First up was the disturbing baby monster called a Gorm. This loveable beast includes a vagina-like mouth and a set of large testicles hung betwixt it's rear legs. no penis to go with them though, instead he has a mouth. Yeah - freaky.

I like to think it's a monstrous opera singer.
Next up is a large model, the Sun Stalker which is equally as strange. The main part is the flaccid tentacle penis prominent in front of it and the man-boobs. Flippin wierd and a pig to put together - had to be extra careful with this one to get it all put in correctly and in the right order too.

Flappy hands for hair or whatever they're supposed to be.
As challenging as it was to try to assemble these sans instructions, the pieces were very well designed and once I worked it all out, they went together very snugly with only the Gorm's left hand needing trimming/sanding to get it to fit properly. They are also large models, the biggest I've assembled in a long time outside of terrain. Here's a pic to illustrate this next to a Kingdom Death White Speaker mini for comparison:

The White Speaker is a tall 32mm mini, for those that are curious. 

Wierdness aside, I have to say I'm very impressed with what the Kingdom Death crew have put together for their setting. I've also been asked to put together my mate's other large KD model, the Lonely Tree, which is an intimidating job to say the least. But my neck was done by the time I had finished the Sunstalker, so I'll save that job for another date. And no, I'm not painting them - I've too much of my own stuff to paint up already!


  1. Wow...those are some disturbing beasties! Especially the Gorm.

    1. Yep, KD's idea of a nightmare setting really freaks people out. Job done really then!

  2. I do like those big ugly monsters Dai, very nice dude!

    1. Me too mate, the aesthetics really appeal for some reason.

  3. Good to hear that you are on the mend and I love the woad work! As for those beasties, wonderfully disturbing and big too!

  4. Always nice to paint something a little bit different. They look like a suitable challenge!

    1. Ha! Not any time soon though, far too much to get off my own mountain of unpainted stuff first!

  5. Glad you're better; more glad about that tortoise.

    I will now have nightmares.

    1. Nightmares breed character. This is a good thing, you'll see. Heh
