15 January 2016

Not much progress

So far 2016 hobbying has gone off with a whimper. O well. I'm sure I'll get my painting mojo back sooner or later.

Got some work done on my 15mm Chain of Command/Bolt Action British Infantry Platoon. Based, Primed and base-coated green helmets. A pal I met at the Flames of War tournament scene was interested in playing so he's also currently painting up a small force of German Fallschirmjäger paratroops and we're going to try out the Bolt Action rules at a smaller scale (Which I've heard it fun). 

We're starting out with 500 point lists. Not pictured are a Jeep and flame thrower team that are all prepped for paint as well. Best thing about 15mm is that we can use our Flames of War vehicles that are already painted! 

Also started base coating this old Reaper (I think) Gladiatorial Gorilla to use as a White Gorilla for my Frostgrave project. (Far more interesting sculpt than the official ones imo.)

Not only displaying his recent  kill, but also sporting an eyepatch! Not to be trifled with methinks.

Got some work done on the last two character minis for my Frazetta-style roleplay campaign. Barbarian and a Ranger respectively.

These are figs from the last Red Box Games kickstarter. Typical RBG lovely sculpting with loads of crisp detail.

Also cleaned up the remaining plastic 28mm Winter Soviet infantry models and got primer on all the metal support teams and weapons. But there's nothing exciting to see so no picture. 

Hopefully this weekend will allow for some more time to get at least one of the above finished?


  1. Nice progress :) I do love Tre's style of sculpting I keep meaning to get some of his Dwarves and goblins.

    1. You should mate, I've yet to own a piece of his I wasn't thoroughly impressed by.

  2. Keep up the good work. Your postings are inspirational and you've some astonishingly good-looking minis on the table at present. I especially like the white gorilla :-)

    1. So kind of you to say sir. Yes, gruesome as the sculpt is, that gorilla does have a certain charm.

  3. That Gorilla is a scream, love it!

    1. A finished version will be posted up today, stay tuned.

  4. Red Box Games ? I'll have a look. And nice gorilla.

  5. Nice! I like the look of that Ranger, may have to check it out.

    1. RBG has many minis that would be perfect to use as characters in your rpg games mate.

  6. Although I've never yet played BA at 15mm - or CoC at all for that matter - I'm super-super excited by the prospect of both...either!

    1. :) Well you did paint all those tommies ready for such an affair.

  7. Ooh, must reply to your email too...
