19 January 2016

Not Grod (1st painted mini of 2016)

Spent the majority of my painting time this holiday weekend making my Gorilla pretty. Tried for fast and dirty (See the lazy highlights on his torso.) so he's done and ready for play. He's white to be appropriate for use in Frostgrave, but also so he'll stand out all the better.

Glare on the background image.... Grr. 
Like I said in last post - No idea of the publisher of this sculpt, perhaps Reaper? It's a grizzly one (Which my son adores for that reason) and I figured that half a beaten opponent would make a bit of a bloody mess so added Tamiya Clear Red + brown ink for blood effects. Poor Greek-themed warrior fellow never stood a chance if you ask me.

Tiger skin for his rear loincloth to match his "cloak".
I felt to offset the gribbliness of the sculpt that flowers on his base would be appropriate to help dumb it down some. Think the effect works, at least to a small extent.

White Gorillas in Frostgrave are pretty fearsome opponents, but I don't like the official sculpts all that much, they seem a bit dull overall. I think this hulking ape will look far more intimidating on the game table.

Painting the tiger skin too longer to get "right" than the rest of the whole mini!
After I was done with this piece, I worked some more on my individually based 15mm WW2 British infantry. I'd forgotten just how much I dislike batch painting infantry at this scale! I'll need them done though by Sunday as I've a game of 15mm Bolt Action coming up. My PBI will be facing German Fallschirmjagers though, and I do not much fancy their chances...


  1. Good luck against the Luftwaffe's finest. And I still like the gorilla, although am now glad I'm not greek.

    1. Heh, I don't think this gorilla is all that discerning as to where his next victims might come from. ;)

  2. Really like this guy, he has this slight asian vibe (monkey kings and all that) and there's a lot of character in him.

    1. I hadn't thought about an Asian "vibe". Good call sir.

  3. That's a great looking model and I particularly like how you've painted he skin tones. I'm on the look out for a gorilla model too and this is the best I've seen so far.

    1. Hope you can find one, would love to see your scheme for him!

      Cheers mate

  4. I'm digging the fur cape paint job....nicely done. I have to say I really like the sculpt with the mangled greek.

    I've often remarked that big burly people look like they could rip your arm off and beat you to death with it. Not Grod appears to improve on that.

    1. Not Grod's been training since birth. Even wookiees run from this ugly sod.

  5. Tiger skin kicks arse! Well worth the extra time you spent on it.

  6. Very nice work, the background image is a nice touch.

    1. Cheers Col. I am going to try to use one in all my pics from here on in.

  7. Very nice Dai. That tiger pelt is really great.

    1. Thanks Rich. Not sure I'll be painting another one anytime soon though...

  8. Sensational stuff Dai, and as others have said that Tiger pelt is absolutely first-class. You've even given him a nice pink nose!!!
