21 September 2015

Even more rpg figs

Last week was super stressful and busy with Jury service and all sorts of other shenanigans. But all done now and I did manage to get some painting done.

These are more minis for my upcoming roleplay group campaign.

This is an old Citadel Norse sculpt who's hand had been lost to time and so got a clumsily sculpted hand holding a torch. I plan to use him as an NPC guide for the party. His wide-eyed look is to help make him look scared about having to lead the party of adventurers into yet another slime encrusted dungeon where he has a rather certain suspicion he'll not come out of!

I also sculpted a pommel and cross-guard in the scabbard so it looks like his sword is sheathed. The Kite-shield covers that up mostly though. 

The torch was also a bit of Greenstuff sculpting. Again, bit naff, but with the paint, it looks close enough to fire in my mind.

This is a lesser water elemental from the Reaper Miniatures Bones2 Kickstarter. It was made in soft clear blue plastic, which was cool and made painting the actual elemental easier. 

The fountain was super easy to paint. I have a fun encounter to run for this piece.

Again from the same Kickstarter in the same blue clear material, this is a "Wall of Ice" for when a wizard casts the defensive spell with the same name. 

Another NPC, another Citadel Miniatures Talisman figure. This is the Gypsy and she got a super fast and dirty effort. Not sure how I'll use her in-game, but for some reason I had a hankering to get her off my paint queue.

Her basket had no sculpted detail so I lazily threw on some cross-hatch to make it look woven from far away. In a dark room. Perhaps in another country. 

Long gypsy curls. 

And a lot of attitude. I had a Roma-Gypsy girlfriend when I was 21 - she was a LOT of attitude.

A metal Reaper Miniatures coffin for some scenery and quest objectives.

And look who's inside!

The end. No seriously, it is.


  1. What a simply wonderful posting Dai, full of lovely characterful minis and some excellent painting to boot. I do like the norse guide's frightened expression and that water elemental is awesome - great fountain too. I'm sure whoever gets to game with all these pieces will be in awe of how they look - and some nice green stuff work too I'd point out - I certainly wouldn't have known if you;d not mentioned it.

    1. Am hoping they'll be blown away, so much so that they ignore my crap GM'ing! :)

      Thanks once more Simon.

  2. I like that she's both fast and dirty. Whaddagurl.

    1. Buy her clothespegs and I'm sure she'll show you personally.

  3. Really liking that elemental, Dai. Looks great.

    1. Thanks Rich - it's a pretty cool sculpt and was dead simple to paint up.

  4. Exemplary work, man! The townsfolk are phenomenal, and that water spirit is just the business!

    1. Cheers mate. I had fun painting the lot of these. I think the character of the sculpts really helped keep things interesting!

  5. The skeleton is AWESOME. Also loving the elemental!

    1. Glad you like! I too particularly liked the skeleton.

  6. "Perhaps in another country"? - Looks grand from over here!

    I love the elemental, too!

    1. Then I'll not be redoing the basket anytime soon. An official "Draxian seal of approval" is not a thing to be sneezed at!
