26 September 2015

200th Post! (And a competition.)

As I sit here about to watch Wales versus England (AND WIN!!!) in the group stages of the Rugby World World Cup, I realise that I've been at this blogging business almost 4 years and am now writing my 200th post. Not as much as some, but certainly impressive for a lazy sod like me. So with me averaging almost a post a week and at the writing of this post having 111 followers on my widget-thingie I'm rather chuffed in this blogging effort of mine.

20 year old jersey still holding up. :)

Enough going on though. Meat and 'tatoes-wise, this post is a bit weak on substance as this week has been a tiring one at work and I've only managed to get the remaining 3 skeleton warriors finished of my original 10. Same recipe as the other seven and all together they do look rather splendid and Harryhausen-esque if I do say so myself!

Quick and dirty bone-boys

These chaps ain't got no back.

Group shot! Heroquest sorceror is happy cos he finally is seeing some action!

Now. With 200 posts and seeing other bloggers doing similar, I thought I'd put back into the blogosphere some and offer up a small contest for the occasion. So here are three prizes I plan to send out to three lucky winners, announced on.... oh... maybe Halloween (So my feeble memory doesn't have an excuse for forgetting.). All you have to do to win is be a follower of my blog, leave a comment and let me know just how much better the Welsh game was in the 2nd half compared to the Saesneg fumblings. You didn't have to have watched the game, just get creative. :) I'll pick three winners at random and will ask for email addresses once picked. Prizes will be one each and selected in the order that the names are picked out by those three. If you somehow feel you'd like to advertise this competition elsewhere, then leave a link in your comment below to said advert and I'll give your name a 2nd chance for the draw for these "fabulous" prizes. (I'll cover shipping, though I'll not cover any customs fees that might, but shouldn't, arise.)

1990's Ral Partha Ghost Dragon

A complete set of WEG Storm Troopers from the original d6 Star Wars rpg.

This book chronicling Abaddon's 13th Crusade or some such.

Thanks all for following, reading and commenting on my posts. The pleasure through these 4 years has been all mine.


  1. Congrats on 200. I recently hit it too. I just realized the other day that it had been 4 years for me as well.

    Please don't pick me for the prize though, Im already suffocating under my lead mountain!!!

    1. Thanks mate - no worries and fully understood!

  2. Congrats on hitting 200 mate. I'd also like to thank your team for such a lovely moving present! Couldn't have asked for a nicer gift a week before moving to England! Oh, that result is going to put a smile on my face for weeks ;)

    1. Cheers Jamie. Yep - I was crowing so loudly my wife told me to shut the heck up. Even posted on Facebook for the first time in a year or something.

  3. Hmmmm while it wasn't nice to see 3 Welsh players getting injured like football players that game was just shocking for the English fan (AKA Me), but while Lancaster is in charge we can't play for toffy.

    1. Too many injuries indeed on both sides! I fear Wales' chances versus Australia are rather weak and beyond.... who knows?

  4. Congrats dude. Didn't watch the game - I was at the wedding reception of someone the Mrs used to work with. Don't worry about entering me in the contest, I'm just here to congratulate you on your landmark!

    Cool skelly-bobs, by the way! Nice and dirty.

  5. Congrats on the 200th posting. I'm relatively new at following your blog but I always enjoy it.

    I'll tell some folks about your contest on NGC40k.com and my own blog as well. Keep up the good work and good luck with the game!

    1. Thanks loads Mark, the more the merrier!

  6. I'm not really someone who follows rugby, but feel that Wales substituting on an actual dragon in the second half probably helped...

    1. And my usual high class brand of promotion of fellow bloggers can now be found on my blog here: http://the-responsible-one.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/follow-this-man.html

    2. Dragons win, always. :)

      Thanks lots for the advert!

  7. Just come here via the responsible one's link. Didn't see the rugby either, I've heard that it's loosely based on Blood Bowl, so I imagine the Welsh used their spiked gauntlets to pound their enemies to pulp.

    1. Spiked gauntlets and footwear. It's a terrible sport to watch for the faint of heart! :)

  8. Ahh, the second half for the Welsh was by far "the" fastest I've ever seen them go round the track. If it wasn't for that blow out on turn four they would have streaked away!

    That's how rugby's played yeah?

    In the unlikely event of me winning this here competition I'll be happy to pass my prize onto someone else. They'd just collect dust with all the other unpainted lead at home.

    Congratulations on your milestone, well done!

    1. Really appreciate the kind words. I'm sure racing and rugby are similar somehow - they both begin with the same letter so it makes sense.

  9. Congrats for the milestone !
    I'm not a big rugby fan in general but I have to say seeing the Welsh in the second half drop their clothes off and starting eating their shoes to enrage themselves to engage in a war spasm was something that delighted me like few times before. There were a couple of actions including the ball that must have been of interest to connoisseurs too.

    1. Yeah..... umm... having played rugby in the past, I can't rightly remember when we played clothes-less. But I wouldn't put it past us as there was often much beer involved! :)

      Cheers mate.

  10. Congrats on hitting 200 posts. Big accomplishment!

    What's a rug-bee?

    1. Oh, and I could totally see those skelingtons stop-motioning across a graveyard, Evil Dead style.

    2. Rugby = real man's sport!

      Cheers Rich!

  11. Congratulations on the milestone! Alas, I've not watched any of the rugby this year, so I can't think of any witticism relative to sporting endeavours...

  12. Yeah, Wales won, whatever. It would have been worth it if I win that book....

    1. And if it hadn't been for those pesky kids?

  13. Hearty congratulations, matey, and here's to more!

    Men of Harlech, stop your slacking:
    Time to send their fly-halfs packing.
    Give their props a damn good whacking
    - Welshmen: do not fail!

    ...Admittedly, that third line sounds a little seedy, but you get the idea.

    In other news, we'll have England legend Martin Johnson in at school tomorrow, opening our new rugby pitch. The kids are VERY excited, as are the PE staff!

    1. Supplemental:

      One of my year 7s thought it was BORIS Johnson in tomorrow. That would be very different indeed!

  14. Martin Johnson in the wildes of Devon? Very upscale mate. Hope the pitch opening went very well.
    (Boris did knock over some poor Japanese child rugby player during his trip to japan, so not too much of a stretch.)
