03 January 2014


I'll preface this post with this - I'm writing this because I'm at home, alone and too bored to paint and that I really had resolved not to post about resolutions and new years and plans and so forth. Sad eh? It's funny what an empty house and a long dose of reading blogs about all your own resolutions and so forth will do to an idle hobbyist.

(If you can place the quote in the post title I'll give you ten shiny internet drachmas too.)

Last year was pretty much dominated (For those only just following this blog) by my British Flames of War escapades. As the last post showed, I managed to paint up a fair amount of stuff and can run multiple army types which is more than I've ever done for any games system. Truth be told though, I'm getting a little burnt out painting all that green armour and those pooey brown uniforms, so I think it's time for a change of gear.

As mentioned I really have been working on my commissions. Commission. Singular, for now. The Dark Vengeance Librarian is a soulless design and really has failed to get me excited about it to actually want to paint the thing. Just seems like the designers at GW just went and stuck random iconography all over the place to fill empty flat surfaces and the obvious dull Space marine-type dangly devotionals here and there. So far he looks like this:

I like the red cloth around his torso - looks like a cowboy bandana!
Customer wanted it for his Heresy Era Dark Angels, which means proper-job black armour with red chapter badge. Am hoping I can get him finished by the end of next week as the same customer is also waiting for me to paint up a squad of 7 of the current Ratling sculpts too.

To break up the painting of the above, I also laid down the majority of the base colours on a fig for a mate's DnD character. Think it's some sort of Reaper fig? I switched out it's pole weapon for an axe head too as that's what the bloke wields in-game.

Very Brotherhood of the Wolf.
On to things I plan for this shiny new 2014.....

1. First off, Relic Knights. The Kickstarter stuff is now being manufactured and I'm hoping they'll be able to get shipments out before silly Chinese New Year closes down a country of 2 billion people..... (!?!) I'll have a crud-load of stuff to paint and as we get closer to delivery, I am getting more and more excited to paint it up. Will be a nice, colourful change from the WW2 uniformity! My aim is to have at least a basic points level worth of stuff painted before year's end.

2. Next up is my poor neglected 28mm sci-fi home-brewed project. I've already started writing up a little fluff for this and will hopefully have something posted up in the next week or two to get some feedback. I've plenty of Dreamforge Eisenkern (21) troopers to paint for this and some cool Reaper Bones generic sci-fi-trooper-type-figs that should look good squaring off against eachother. I've even (last night) stuck together a piece of mdf terrain for the project too. I've a tonne of foamcore boards to cut out next to make into trashed city buildings too. I plan to have the pieces for this project done, all of them well before year's end. The scenery can also be used for Relic Knights, so double the reason to get them done.

3. Painting the above tricorn'd fellow got me to realising that I still have a silly amount of fantasy (Very old and newer sculpts) figures that really have sat unloved for too long. They'd seriously make our Friday evening roleplay sessions far more fun and be a nice change of pace should the other projects start becoming a chore. From 1980's DnD sculpts (pig-faced-orcs!) to more recent cool looking Reaper stuff, I have plenty of different characters to choose for whatever hobby mood takes me. No real promise on this one.... maybe 10 of them painted up this year, maybe more?

4. My poor Imperial Guard.... They have sat unloved for over a year. My aim is to get at least two more squads and a command squad painted up AND finish those Chimera stand-ins too.

5. Should my current mound of Flames of War Canadians ever prove to be tiresome, I still have plenty left to paint and I still need a dedicated MidWar army too. My original plan was to start a Romanian army. Cool eh? But expensive, so that's been shelved indefinitely. Instead I'm sticking to my old plan of being able to field a British Motor Coy - supposedly crap in the minds of dedicated players, but it's an army I already have 80% of the figures for and that by itself is a big decider. I also have that whole British Guards Cromwell/Challenger Company to paint up, so REALLY do not need to be buying any more 15mm soldiers. For this I hope to have at least one of the Company types painted up by the end of the year.

6. That Chaos Fantasy warband project. Yeah.... about that. I'm determined to finish the damned thing. The end.

7. A simple one, well the idea is simple, but the execution is going to be trickier - start using the Airbrush and compressor my wife so lovingly bought me over a year ago!!!

8. This one probably should have been number 7 eh? My nurgle stuff, needs selling. That's right. Well, the Nurgle space marines - just not into them anymore. The daemons though - they are going to get painted, damnit!

9. Lastly - my poor poor Inquisimunda.... So much potential, yet my gaming group were crap and didn't want to play. Still, those fun conversions and interesting miniatures are still sat there, wondering why they couldn't at least stand there in their full regalia as apposed to their current primed states? So for my final pledge, I aim to get at least two of the teams done, also by the end of the year. 

So there you have it, lots to get on with and hopefully more interesting for blog posting for the general blog readership than this past year of almost all Flames of War blog posts! If you managed to read to the bottom, then I applaud your tenacity. Thank you.


  1. Nurglised Spaze Mhureens ? Drop me an email, Dai.

  2. Excited to see the Relic Knights stuff!

    I also agree with you on the design of the librarian. GW had some definite miss fires in design last year.

    I salute you for doing painting commissions, I can barely get my own stuff done!

  3. Any chance of a closer look at your poor unloved IG, mate?

  4. @ Levitas - Yeah, these will be the last commissions I'll ever take on. There's no joy in painting models you do not like, even if it's for goods/money.

    @ Drax - Painted or in the paint queue?

    1. Well, I'd be very interested to see your painted Guard...

  5. I'll see what I can drum up sir. :)
