22 December 2013

State of the Commonwealth

This'll be my last post before 2014 comes and the end is finally beyond nigh, or some other nonsense.

It also herald's my son's 9th birthday..... which is sobering.

Hobby-wise, I've actually been working on one of my commissions, albeit slowly, but at least I've kept my pledge. I'm hoping to have the (Dark Vengeance boxed set librarian.) figure done before the 2nd week in January.

Merry Xmas, we've just invaded, I mean - liberated your country!
My Flames of War experience has been fun It's been about 13 months since I first started down this 15mm WW2 path. I've attended 4-times as many tournaments during this year as I'd gone to in my life prior. I've painted enough miniatures to be able to field not one, but two fully painted armies. I was lucky enough to be shown how to play the game by a more than able instructor (Who has since buggered off to North Carolina - Riha you git! :P) and introduced a close mate to the game and convince him to start up his own collection too.

Soon enough I'll be getting my Relic Knights Kickstarter stuff and so will be perhaps painting some different stuff early next year (I went for the rather lovely looking racers of the Cersi Speed Circuit.), though I do still have plenty of Brits to paint for Flames of War still. I also plan to paint up some 28mm sci-fi figs to start on my home-brewed setting project which I'll be playing using the cool 5150-Star Army ruleset by 2-Hour-Wargames.

With that, I offer up a state of the Dai's Canadian 4th Division run of pics, my first time showing them all together. I'm quite proud to be honest.

A "whats what" for you

Them on the left.

Them on the Center

Armour on the right - can kind of see the mud effects on the tanks here too.

And lastly these chaps, who aren't from my Canadians, but instead British Guards Armoured Recce. They'll soon be joined by some lovely Cromwells, Challengers and some other cheeky leftovers.

Thanks all who come here to read my witterings and view my hobby work. I appreciate each and every one of your comments and critiques. Your patronage does me honour. Merry Xmas to each and every one of you and the happiest of New Years too.

I'm off to watch Kick Ass2....

- Dai


  1. Absolutely beautiful work, man! Love the army shots, have a great holiday!

  2. Kool.

    Cromwells and Comets ? fab !

    Kick Ass 2 ? I'll have to watch Kick Ass 1 first. (Don't forget Dai, it's "kick arse").

  3. +1 to liking the army shot. So cool.
    Merry Christmas Dai,
    'Kick Arse' - LOL Zzzzzz. Maybe you should write them an angry letter.

  4. I am utterly impressed and utterly jealous! I think, actually, I need to get a proper photo of my whole Flames of War Army.

    Now, if only I can get enough daylight... Hmm...

    Merry Christmas from Blighty, Dai!

  5. Kick Arse is a great film!

    Can't comment on the sequal, mind...

  6. Awesome stuff mate, look forward to more next year!

  7. A very impressive collection, sir, and a very interesting choice. 4 CDN AD was a skilled and undervalued formation, many of them the so-called D-Day Dodgers who arrived in NW Europe once they'd finished the business in Italy, and their CO, Bert Hoffmeister, was one of Canada's best generals in that war.
    Lovely work.
    A very merry Christmas to you and yours from Canada,

  8. @Mord 7th - Thankyou mate. Hope your own holiday has been pleasant thus far.

    @Zzzzzz - Cromwells yes, Comets not yet.

    Give Kick Ass (Arse) 2 a miss, it was a steaming pile.

    @ Col. Ackland - Merry Xmas to yerself too mate. Thanks.

    @ Admiral Drax - Yes, a proper army shot of your own FoW stuff would be cool please. Happy holidays sir.

    @ Levitas - Appreciate you stopping by!

    @MadPadre - Now those are a couple bits of info I didn't know about the 4CAD. Interesting.... Thanks for leaving the comment!

  9. Absolutely stunning work sir, they look absolutely cracking assembled like that. And anything Canadian gets bonus points from me!

  10. @ Headologist - Much appreciated mate. WW2 Canadians certainly do have some of the most interesting stuff to collect and paint.

  11. A bit later than the others (by about 9 years) but your FoW stuff is very nice Dai!
