06 December 2024

It's All Greek to Me! (Part 5 - Painting Chart update)

"Plans gone awry"

That's the theme of late November/early December it would seem. I've had no time whatsoever to paint and a game I had scheduled with Densmol on the 30th had to be cancelled due to he and his wife being stricken with some sort of dreaded lurgey. Or another. 

So, how to make a post out of "nothing"?

Long time blog follower and very decent fellow, Iain at the caveadsum 1471 blog made good mention that I had not provided an updated Draxian* Painting Progress chart for my WW2 Greeks. This in turn made me realise that I had not updated it in a quite a while, and most certainly not for the new force organization to reflect the new 3rd edition of Bolt Action. (Which I have STILL not been able to play, yet.)

So here it is. With a key this time. 

Even though in it's current incarnation, this 1250 point Greek list doesn't include any transport vehicles, I've included them anyway so I can keep track for painting's sake.

*"What's 'Draxian'?" I hear you ask? It's the painting chart style Admiral Drax, a former blogger and now podcasting sensation used to keep track of his own projects' progress for some years whilst he still blogged. Credit where it's due, right?

Now I need to create charts for my other WW2 projects. 


  1. Which of the WSS podcasters is Admiral Drax?

  2. I admire people who can be so organised to have a chart to record the progress of their painting projects, tried and failed many times, my army building and painting tends to be too erratic and it doesn't work ! LOL

    1. I'm not always this organised and my wife will happily attest to that!

  3. Thanks for posting this, I was intrigued as I thought it sounded such a good idea, are the rifle sections in orange or yellow? I can't tell!
    Best Iain

    1. Not a problem and thank YOU for reminding me to stay focused. LOL

      Yes, the Rifle sections are in Orange. Just sat, base and primed. Poor devils.

  4. I think to be a miniature painter is to feel perpetually behind schedule (even though, 99% of the time, there is no schedule).

    1. I think you are very correct on this.

  5. Being from Canada, I had never heard the expression "dreaded lurgey" before. But now that I've seen it in use, I think it's going to be very useful. Thanks for expanding my lexicon (and my reasons for claiming sick leave).

    1. Ha! Looking forward to seeing many uses in your posts for this.
