10 August 2023

Amelia Pond - that was a great name!

 Now I have your attention, you'll swiftly realise that this post has nothing to do with Dr Who** as the title might have otherwise lead you to believe and is infact just a post about a pond. Yup, that's it, a piece of terrain that represents .a. .pond. A frozen pond at that.

This particular sculpt is a lovely resin cast designed and sculpted by Dave Stone over at the Wargamesculptors Blog and purchased directly from his webstore. If you've been following my blog for a bit, you'll know I have a snowy Winter terrain set up for my WW2 games and I felt the little farm/settlement I've already put together was direly in need of a natural water source. Knowing Dave puts out a quality product through his blog posts I decided to click "purchase" and this lovely thing arrived in swift order from across the pond shortly thereafter. 

The sculpt was poured in opaque green resin and the details very crisp. Dave suggested I paint the underside in dark colours (Which I did - prussian blue then black and sealed in with Modge Podge) to show depth beneath the ice. I then liberally slapped on a grey wash over the ice areas and once dried a very watered-down white wash to fill in the cracks and show the definition in the piece (This part didn't work exactly as planned, but it'll do.). The surrounding areas got a quick light grey base coat then successive lighter grey and white drybrush to look like snow. Once dry I glued on a few frosty grass clumps and called it a day. This weekend I'll give it a blast with some Dulcoat to seal the paint job.

Not sure how or if this piece will affect gameplay, but I'm very happy with the result and my table has a little more interest added to it.

Dave is also running a Season of Scenery challenge and I'm trying to get at least a couple more entries before the challenge is over at the end of this month so hopefully I'll have a post or two more for August to share before the challenge is over.

Hope all are well out there,

- Dai

** Amelia Pond is actually my all time fav Doctor's Companion from Doctor Who (And Ms Gillan is rather easy on the eye - obviously!), even more so than Ace, Sylvester McCoy's fun companion from when I was a lad.


  1. Fantastic job on the icy pond Dai, you've done a cracking job on it (I know terrible pun ! LOL) Your attention to detail on it has really paid off, and the additional work on the ice cracks has really paid dividends.

    1. The pun is warranted my friend. :)
      I'm looking forward to placing this on my next tabletop setup.

  2. I think that looks bloody marvellous. I’m going to have a quick look at your man Dave’s blog on the strength of it.

    1. Awfully kind of you to say so sir. Thank you.

  3. Looking great. Should you use a gloss spray instead of the dulcote though? Might look better all sparkly...

    1. You might be right there - perhaps a satin finish rather an gloss as I feel iced waters don't seem all that shiny to me?

  4. Having not watched Dr Who, you punny reference was lost on me. as Dave says, "cracking" pondwork.

    1. Darn it, a wasted opportunity.

      Thanks Jon. :)

  5. I like your pond, I liked Ace, I liked Amy Pond a little bit more.

    1. Sounds like we are in agreement here then. Good!

  6. I guess now you should get a mini of Amelia and make some pics along this pond.
    No, seriously, lovely work!

    1. Ooo don't tempt me with such a good idea!

      Thanks mate.

  7. Nice piece of terrain Dai and I had to pop off briefly to check out Amelia, via Google....I can see why she might be your favourite Dr Who companion!

    1. Thanks Keith. Yeah, Ms Gillan is a pretty young lady, but her character Amy was pretty well written and likeable to boot imo, so not hard to appreciate.

  8. I’ve also never seen a Dr Who. I hear it’s good.
    But I can see that your pond is very good. It look freezing to me and you must of did it right bc now I want a blanket. If I ever see your winter table in real life I’ll have to bring a sweater. 😀

    1. I think it might be a show that would appeal to you. A little serious, a little silly, some good writing and a little lower budget. Dr Who was a staple in my house growing up and the more recent series were fun updates to the frachise.

      You'll see it when we get our Winter game calendared, so dress warmly!

  9. This posting's title was an outrageous way to get an old Dr Who grognard like me to click upon it, Dai. LOL!!! Seriously though, what a top piece from Dave Stone's seriously significant catalogue and a tremendous paint-job to do it proud too. Dave is always very helpful with his painting advice, and clearly has done so here again. Lovely brush work by yourself and what a cracking piece for the tabletop. Can't wait to see soldiers battling over it, and perhaps the odd chap falling to their doom..?

    1. Thought you'd like that Simon. :)

      Thanks for the kind words - I anticipate more than just a poor infantryman to risk falling through - perhaps even a tank!?

  10. I was quite taken with Ameila Pond, as I am with your pond Dai!

  11. Excellent work on the pond, Dai, you've really nailed the ice look! It's a great piece of terrain and you've really done it justice.

    1. Thanks Matt! I think Dave's sculpting deserves the credit here - the thing pretty much painted itself.

  12. Lovely looking frozen pond! It's been useful that Dave has been running his season of scenery as I have been working on lot's of terrain because of it!
    Best Iain
