14 April 2023

Works in Progress

 Lots going on at my hobby station of late! Nothing actually completed, but work progresses on a number of projects per the pictures to follow. 

These are 3D printed Universal Carriers for my 2023 WW2 Greeks project. I found them on Etsy for a steal. What arrived were nice crisp sculpts, though of two different types of Carrier, but I can work with that. They were crew-less though, so I found some spare Soviet infantry and started hacking away and whilst the end result looks somewhat crude up close-and-unpainted (Crew's helmets look close enough to those worn by the Greeks to me.), I think they'll do just fine on the tabletop from 3 feet! I also needed "pintle-mounted Bren Guns" on them so sourced some nice metal bren guns from The Assault Group in the UK, trimmed a paper clip down to stick them upon and drilled holes for the pintle mounts to settle into on the Carriers. Finished result I think looks good enough for gaming! 

*More on said Greeks in a future post.

Sticking with the vehicles theme here's a German Panzer IV Ausf-H that is primed and ready for paint. I plan to add this as an alternative tank option to my Late War Winter Germans collection featured previously. "Where's the era appropriate Schurtzen?" I hear you ask in my addled schizoid brain, well dear reader those are going to be built and painted separately for ease of assembly and painting. 

Along with the tank, featured here are three Soviet riflemen that I had bits left over to build after crafting the Carrier crews shown above. Thought it would be good to have a few spares in squads where I didn't include a Light Machine Gun toting fellow. They need some basing pumice adding then priming prior to being ready for paint.

A less exciting option - these are some mdf tree bases I found on Etsy. After our last game in my previous post, I realised that I need not only more fencing and trees themselves, but also some better defined bases for the trees I do have so they stand out more for gaming purposes. (Line of sight, etc) So far these have been assembled, gritted with sand from a Monterrey area beach, sprayed dark brown then highlighted with a lighter brown craft paint. All that's left is to apply snow, though I'm trying to figure out how best to go about this step in an effort not to use up all of my Woodland Scenics  snow flock but still applying enough for the bases to look good on my Winter table set-up? I'll see what I can come up with.

Last up is a second batch of mdf fencing for much talked about Winter setup. (I did not feature the first set, for some reason, though honestly they are not really exciting enough to feature in their own post, right?) Simple 2-piece kits that I found in an online sale years ago. They have been primed the same dark brown as the tree bases and given a light dusting of white spray paint. Next step will be to pick out the vertical posts with dark brown and then apply snow effects and the odd grass tuft. Densmol was right, one needs far more than just one set of fencing on a 6x4 foot table!

No progress made on my Dieppe Canadians as I've not been in much of a mindset for painting lately, but I feel that'll change next week, so hope to have something new and actually "finished" to show off soon!

Stay well out there.


  1. Great to see news from you!
    Can't wait for see finished ones :-)

    1. Thanks Michal. I'll do my best to get something up before the end of this week!

  2. Some great finds, and assembly and conversions Dai, nice to see you've managed some hobby time, and things are progressing well. As for the tree bases and snow, you can always put the snow to the edges of the bases, and leave the areas where the trees would be covering as there will be less snow there.

    1. Cheers Dave! Good idea on the tree bases - I'll think that over and see how I might make that work.

  3. Hooray! Hobby progress on a number of fronts. I am especially looking forward to seeing your Greek campaign develop. Your pair of Universal Carries are super for 3D prints and with your nifty conversions. Is there still a bit of flash on the front fenders?

    1. I'm rather happy to be getting so much done on so many different fronts. The Greeks have a lot to do yet and I'm trying to get everything assembled prior to worrying about painting.
      It looks like flash on the fenders, but a little research shows that some featured flared fenders like this, albeit with straighter edges and I will address that issue this week on my models. Thanks for pointing that out.

  4. Baking soda for the snow? Cheap enough anyway...

    1. I had done lots of research on snow effects some years ago when I was originally considering starting my Winter theme'd Soviets and the general consensus was that apparently Baking Soda tends to "yellow" after a bit! So I stayed away from it for that reason. Shame though, cos as you mention, it's very much the cheapest option out there by far!

  5. Nice looking universal carriers. I imagine the final paint job will be pretty homogeneous?

    1. You aren't wrong there mate. Some research and queries about the internet has offered that they'd be pretty much painted in the same Green that the Brits provided them and also used themselves at the time. Easy, but sadly not very exciting!

  6. Lots if good stuff going on here Dai...lucky find with the Bren Gun Carriers too. I have seen lots of cool stuff on Etsy, but usually, the shipping to NZ is a killer....I might find a really nice figure I could use in my Pulp collection for $6-8......but shopping will be $17 or something like that...and no matter how cool a figure is, I am not prepared to pay $25+ for it! Maybe in the US, that's not such an issue?

    1. Yeah, shipping in general has been a right killer for cool hobby stuff coming from abroad. Internally it's not so bad here though.

  7. That's nice! I'm particularly excited by the Greek project, can't wait to see more progress! :)

    1. I am as well. Here's hoping I can do them justice. Cheers mate.

  8. Lots of wonderful looking stuff on show, Dai. I love the look of your Greek project and the German Panzer. Excellent update.

    1. Hope to have lots more to show soon! Thanks Simon!

  9. Nice to see you still making progress

  10. Etsy seems to be a good pls to find war gaming stuff. I ought to look at it more often. Maybe I will.
    Glad you went from no hobby time to LOTS of projects going on at once. Good luck with all of them.
    (I’m planning on hosting a game sometime late May FYI. Sometime after Mother’s Day. ).

    1. It has been a veritable trove mate! You should - there's some very nicely designed and made stuff on there for good prices.

      Game in late May eh? I'll mention the idea to my other half to see if I can swing it

  11. Nice carriers and not all pzkfw IVs H had shutzen but adding it later makes sense, I've been looking at pzkfw IV s on etsy too,,, !
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Ya, I don't think Schurzen was utilized until the later war stages when allied anti-tank methods became more effective, but this one is going to be for latest war (I really wanted a pz4 J, but didn't want to spend that much for the model!) to face my late war soviets.
