28 January 2023

A Frosty Goose-Step (WW2 Late War Germans on parade)

 As promised in a previous post, here is a small parade post of my fully painted WW2 Winter Germans force. I do have more to add to them, but I think I'll leave those pieces for when the mood takes. I think all of these sculpts are by Warlord Games from their Bolt Action range (Including the plastic half-track and resin Hetzer tank). Lots of fun details and dynamism to them which made them fun to paint.

To start off a full shot of the whole force. The organisation of this collection is per the basic German Reinforced Platoon Bolt Action army list on Easy Army dot com. (Shame about the background, but they are stored in a barn so "barn-background" is what you get.)

When I took this and checked the pic on my phone it looked fine! O well. Daylights gone now and all these guys are packed away now.

Lieutenant and Adjutant. 

Waffen-SS Squad and their Half-track ride.

Heer Grenadier Squad.

Volks Grenadier Squad.

Heer Medic.

Flame Thrower Team.

Panzerschreck Team.

Hetzer tank hunter.

Those observant enough may well notice the absence of this tank from the initial group shot. We’ll the blighter was hiding deeper in one of my storage boxes than I had anticipated and I had thought it had gotten lost somehow! But it turned up so I had to get a pic in for completions sake. 

And a bonus Forward Artillery Observer.

And that's it! As mentioned above, there are more pieces in my unpainted mountain to add to these: 

Panzer iv H tank

Sniper Team

Heer Grenadiers in Winter Greatcoats

The remainder of the Waffen-SS squad

Hope you enjoyed seeing these as much as I found enjoyment knowing that this project could be called "done" AND that I can now host a fully painted Winter themed game of Bolt Action at home once time allows - something to post on in a later publication.

Now back to finishing that last section of Canadians before I can get in with this year’s new army.

Cheers - Dai


  1. Fantastic looking force Dai, with the basing colour choices and detailing, it is a very atmospheric force indeed.

    1. Good, that was what I was hoping for. Cheers Dave

  2. Oh my... That's looking amazing!
    Beautiful minis and bases.

    1. Thanks Michal! Always appreciate your encouragement

  3. They look good and cold. Great to see you back at the painting table.

    1. Thanks Jon! Hoping to have more to show soon

  4. Awesome! I really like the assorted uniform rag tag look. Too bad about your first picture getting shrunk.

    1. Glad that came across Dave. Wanted to try to show that really late war “throw all the men in and the kitchen sink” feel

  5. A nice looking force Dai, hope you get some action with them soon! You are the second blogger I have read today who has mentioned a "new" army for 2023.... I am starting to feel I am missing out!

    1. Cheers Keith!
      A new year - new army effort is a good feeling. Gives one a hobby purpose when there are no clubs or events to work toward

  6. Very well done with them ALL. I had to get a sweater after seeing the pics. Do you have a snow/ winter mat for your games?

    1. Thanks Stew!
      I do indeed have a winter mat, a neoprene thing that is decent enough for wargaming and that my winter scenic pieces look good on.

  7. Congratulations on your "done" project, Dai. What's the next unit you'll be adding to it..? LOL!!!

    They look awesome, especially the Hetzer tank hunter, imho, and would definitely grace any wargaming table. Super well done, and I'm looking forward to seeing the Canadians getting completed too.

    1. Thanks Simon! (Maybe a Nebelwerfer? LOL)

  8. Lovely looking late war winter Germans, well done on finishing them off! I have neglected my bolt action troops, I really should get back on them and finish them off , half built IS2 for over 3 years, oh dear!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I'm glad to have them off my desk.
      I think once you get your current Nap's rush out of your system that you should get back to your WW2 minis!

  9. Some cracking troops you have there Dai.

    1. Thanks Ray! Am glad I finally got this army done
