17 February 2022

Some Citadel Classics and Other Bits

Until this week my hobby had been left idle. No painting, no construction, nothing. But the mojo strikes when it wants and I guess we are all slaves to that in one form or another.

There was no inspiration or direction for what was finished up for this post, just grabbing random stuff and basically being happy to get them off the unpainted mountain. We start off with these three fellows, a trio of old 80’s Citadel Miniatures. Lovely sculpts and all fun to paint. 

Up first is this Sea Elf. Originally he was the officer of an elven bolt thrower kit. Don’t ask me where the other crew member is or even the bolt thrower itself! Lost to the sands of time… I really like this simple sculpt and it’s decidedly leader-like pointy pose. I decided to make him look less “human” (His ears being covered up by his tall hat and all.) by giving him this decidedly cool grey-tones skin colour. 
“Sea Green” elfish dress thing was appropriate I think and the white armour parts like she’ll? No, eh, it’ll do.

Grey skin? That means black hair. Obvious, no?

This next chap is from the old Norse line of figures. Foundry picked these up and still produce most of them to this very day I believe. I think he’s supposed to be some sort of noble and looks the part with his fancy horse hair helmet plume, gold necklace and fur lined jacket.
I like this bloke, his face is all stoic and heroic. Painting his  eyes was a bugger tho as they are so flippin tiny!

This shield design was an off the cuff  effort, think it works out. 

The last of these figs is another from the Norse range who was also sold as a Barbarian too later on. I deliberately kept this paint job clean and simple after originally planning out some tattoos for all that skin. But no, laziness took over and he can stay pale and weird mullet-y. 
For such a naked (with He-Man underpants), he strangely had no nipples sculpted on. So I painted them on instead. I think this was a good choice. 

This terrain piece has been sat unpainted for years so I slapped on some base coats, wash and a simple highlight. Yet to get a coat of varnish, I think it’ll look great on the table. It’s a part of a Reaper Bones set that has a dragon and heroes fighting it and there was other parts to it but… no idea where those got to. 

Semi-naked berserker posing for scale

This second terrain piece is for some natural rough/ hard terrain and is Pretty much what it looks like - rocks and clump foliage glued to an old cd. But it’ll work for games and as these two warrior-models show, sometimes cheap homemade crap can work to.

Varnish coating also needs to be done on this.

Was thinking about adding some flock but I think it would make placing minis atop troublesome so stuck with dirt. 

Last for this post is a simple build pic. Luck was with me before Xmas as my wife’s friend ordered a mini for her husband but for some reason sent it to us instead. She said keep it and so I ended up with this nifty GW Lord of the Rings Eomer set. Put him together just last night and he really does look like Karl Urban’s effort from the films. No idea when I’ll get around to painting him and I’m definitely NOT starting a new army! (He’ll find use in my dnd games eventually)

Really liking the mounted and not versions. He also had helmet and spear options to build him with but my wife liked the helm less and sword versions better so I went with that.


  1. All good stuff, and I like the pose of that elf. I think you did get some "seashell" effect from that paint job.

    And you know it would be pretty easy to add a few boxes of Rohirim to your Eomer figure... since they are in the starter, they are available on Ebay.

    1. Thanks David!

      Yeah, no Rohirim for me. I have enough projects to last me a loooonnggg time and any hobby funds have to be used on basing supplies - I’m almost out of tufts!

  2. What a lovely classics! Really love the Sea Elf with grey skin. Great mini!

  3. Nice minis and totally fitting paintjobs, and I have a soft spot for that kind of scenery on a cd (I used to do that a lot, should do it again!), so this post is a total win!

    1. Happy you liked it all sir! Thanks so much!

  4. Those turned out very nice! I'm impressed with the barbarian nipples, I wouldn't have known they weren't sculpted. I have that same reaper dragon terrain peice. Mine is a bit warped on the bottom which irritated me enough not to paint it......yet?

    1. Thanks Dave! Just made sense to me that a bare chested warrior should be at least a little anatomically correct? :)

      Warped? Nothing a dip in some hot water won’t sort out sir

  5. Nice work Dai....are you saying those figures have been knocking around since the nineties, waiting for a paint job??

    1. The very earliest 90’s or even late 80’s, yes. I am a secret hobby hoarder you see… the shame…

      Thank you sir!

  6. Great work on all Dai, the elf has a drow look with the grey skintone. The scenery came out well, and looks very practical. Nice bonus model, and has a great look to it, good call by the wife on the options.

    1. Thanks Dave! I guess he could pass as a drive for sure now I look at him.
      For being someone who says she has absolutely no interest in my hobby, my wife makes some very good design choices when asked upon. I find this suspicious… lol

  7. These are wonderful old school Dai, tremendous work bringing them to life! Love that terrain piece too.

    1. Glad you like them Michael! Plenty more where they came from

  8. Fab work Dai. Looking forward to seeing what you do with Eomer. I've got some Rangers of the North and Wood Elves to paint and you forget how nicely sculpted the LOTR range is.

    1. Cheers Simon! Yeah, the LotR range whilst pricey as heck, are a lovely bunch of sculpts. But do I really need yet another project that will most likely end up languishing half done!? Lol

  9. Miniatures and some terrain?!! Mojo has come back in force. Nice job!
    That Eomer is a great gift. And a fantastic piece of plastic. You’ll do a fantastic job on it. I’d want it as my D&D character. 😀

    1. Cheers Stew, hoping it’ll continue for a bit yet.

      He’s a lovely sculpt for certain. I’ll be sure to paint him up to look like you too!

  10. Excellent work on some classic minis, Dai! They're all beautifully painted and look magnificent, especially the Sea Elf, the green cloak is a gorgeous colour.

    1. Thanks Matt! My first time using GW’s Caliban Green and it turned out just as I’d hoped. (A rare occurrence when I paint lol)

    2. Caliban Green is a lovely shade, it must be said.

  11. Great looking trio of old school citadel figures, love the sea elf green, useful bits of terrain and lovely bonus LoTR figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks all around Iain! There’ll be more classics coming up soon that I hope you’ll like too

  12. Great stuff there Dai! Those old miniatures from the 80's can sometimes be difficult to paint but those look brilliant, really like that Norse fella and that shield 😀
    I didn't realize that you had head sculpt options for Eomer, nice choice especially considering the helmet version is pretty standard for every tabletop.

    1. Thanks Ivor! Yeah those old sculpts can be clunky with questionable detail but I’m glad these were the opposite which made them most pleasant to paint up!

      I feel he is far more handsome without his helmet, every female miniature’s dream lol!
