10 November 2021

More furry additions (Burrows and Badgers)

 This past week I was able to work on some Oathsworn Miniatures figures from their Burrows and Badgers range to add to my existing collection. A rabbit archer, medium hound clansbeast and a weasel brigand. Per usual with Oathsworn’s sculpts, they pretty much painted themselves. These hand-sculpted designs were completely flash free metals with loads of character and I continue be in love with each and every sculpt they produce. 

I still hope to run my first game (solo) in the coming weeks if everything goes to plan, tho with holidays coming up that might be a bit of a task. We will see.

This is Hailey Landers, a member of my Rogue warband called the Red Toothe. Hailey was the original founder of the group of brigands when they were originally named the Red Hoods and were a far less violent outfit. With Ma Tuppence and Hickory arriving and consequently taking over things became far more violent. Hailey is now stuck in her life of violent crime and forced to obey Ma Tuppence’s orders.
I bought this fig after I re-read the small fluff in the rule book for the game and realized rabbits featured a lot and I didn’t own any. Including Hailey, I now have two. 

Simple paint scheme and I tried to make her look like a wild British rabbit.

This West Highland Terrier is Angus McRuff, a clansbeast of Strath Cloda to the North of Northymbria in the Burrows and Badgers setting. Now I have my Rogue and Royalist warbands painted I have chosen to work on some angry Scottish themed critters as my third warband.
I went with crazy eyes on Angus, cos otherwise he’d be too cute to be taken seriously! 

This is my first time attempting a tartan paintjob. I followed the guide Michael Lovejoy posted on a previous Oathsworn  
Miniatures Kickstarter page. Not over the moon with how it turned out but not bad for a first go. Next one will be with different colours and will hopefully look better too.

This final mini is Rufus, a disreputable weasel wielding a scary blunderbuss! He’s just a random mini I pulled out to paint and as I hadn’t painted any weasels or stoats yet, it worked. So far he hasn’t gotten a backstory but once he makes it into a warband somehow he will. 
British weasels are tiny things and dead nasty too. Whilst researching them I had no idea they had white paws!

As a fun spot colour I decided his neckerchief would be poke-a-dotted. Then after finishing him I realized that all three of these minis had red as a prominent colour! Doh! 

On the paint station are more Burrows and Badgers figs - some more clansbeasts and a could of town guards and an old veteran to boot!

Stay safe out there one and all,

- Dai



  1. Great work on all 3 Dai, especially the tartan ! Exceptional

    1. Cheers Dave! Still lots of room for improvement in the tartan I feel. Better colour choices might work out more successfully?

  2. Lovely work! Have to try that furry stuff someday!
    Stay safe too!

    1. Thanks Michal! I think you’d make these sculpts really shine with your awesome paintjobs!

    2. Thank you! Someday have to, because it's great atmosphere :)

  3. Brilliant brushwork, Dai! These figures are full of character.

    1. Thank you Jon! The sculptor really does a great job making sure each of his minis shines in that range

  4. Excellent stuff, Dai, and the tartan honestly looks amazing. I can't even imagine attempting that level of detail without buggering it up. The bunnies and weasels are also superb. These sculpts are pretty awesome and you've totally done them justice with your painting!

    1. It certainly took some guts to attempt it in all honesty Mat. But the process isn’t as hard as it first looked. The guide I used was pretty straight forward.

      Glad you like the trio tho!

  5. I really like you B and B miniatures. You do a great job making the creatures pop. 😀

    1. Glad you do mate, appreciate the kind words!

  6. Splendid looking chaps,really like the rabbit!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain! Hope to have more up soon

  7. It's a good job you're over there. You could put money the weasels already knowing that you've called them disreputable.

    1. Next time I’m back in the uk for a visit I will be certain to keep an eye out for vengeful mustelids!

  8. Quite good, particularly the tiny tartan on the crazy eyed guy.

    1. Cheers David! Glad you like it. Practice on the tartan should hopefully make perfect.
