23 October 2021


 More than a month has passed since I’ve posted, apologies for those keeping track. All is well my end, life just got WAY more busy in general and so hobby opportunities have been next to none outside of an online purchase for my Burrows and Badgers project (cos I really needed more minis, honest!) and managing to find an in-scale taxi for my Zombie Apocalypse project at Target. 

October is a month for a few milestones for me in general and for this blog:

On the first of the month, this humble little blog turned 10! So very many thanks to those who stop by on any basis, regular or not, to see my posts and extra thanks to those who leave comments too. In this new age of social media venues for our hobby progress, blogging seems to be a dying art in lieu of an all too easy alternative, so it’s very much appreciated that you readers still stop by and regularly too. It all remains an encouraging aspect to my hobby and truly keeps me going. 

On the eleventh I celebrated my twentieth anniversary since I left the UK to emigrate to California. A LOT of adventures and misadventures have occurred during those two decades and I regret none of it. Moving here had me meet the best friends I’ve ever had and find and marry the love of my life. 

Lastly on the twentieth I had my forty-fifth birthday!  I am older, not much more to say about that. It was a quiet affair, just me and my wife and girls. Seems as we get older, our birthdays end up being less and less about us somehow. Lol

Any actual hobby in this post Dai? (I hear you ask) actually no. None whatsoever. Recall in the first paragraph that I have had no time? :) I promise tho there will be in the next post - the weather has gotten decidedly cooler down here in the California Central Valley so I am able to set up a game table and so will hopefully have a fun battle report to share as I fumble through the Burrows and Badgers rules set for my first game. I might even paint something new by then also! 

Watch this space! 

45 means it’s time to grow a manly and wizened beard! Where the hell did all that silver come from???


  1. Happy Birthday! Remember, it does not always have to be about the hobby. Real Life is interesting too and your followers are here to offer support and encouragement.

    1. Many thanks Jon and very true on all accounts!

  2. Hope you had a great birthday Dai, when you reach 50 it just becomes another day, maybe some cake and presents ! LOL Congratulations on all your other milestones to.

    1. I got to spend it with my family, so it was perfect thanks Dave. :)

  3. Penblwydd hapus, Dai! Hope it was a good one! And congrats on hitting 10 years of blogging, that is quite an achievement!

  4. Congratulations on all your mile stones. Both big and small. October is a big month for you; gotta lot going on. 😀

    I wouldn’t stress out about posting. You got plenty of distraction.

    How is it that we’re the same age but your so much more wizened and sage like than I am? Not to mention dangerous looking; you could play the younger brother to Bruce Willis in The next Die Hard movie. 😀

    1. Thank you everso mate.

      And by “wizened” I assume you mean “old”! Lol
      I could see the brother of Willis thing, tho make sure to tell the script writer that said brother has a beer gut!

  5. Happy Birthday (I knew you were "much" older) and congratulations on all the October anniversaries (and other activities).

    1. Thanks David! Appreciate the kind words.

  6. A very happy belated birthday to you Dai! Grand to see what you look like! Congrats on those anniversaries. Cheers, Mike

    1. Thanks Mike! Hope you don’t get bad dreams from the image! Lol

  7. Good for you for posting even without hobby news. Its sad to say that it's not hard to write a comment, but it's pretty rare I do these days. Having my one (under utilized) blog I can totally empathize with how great it is to have people commenting. So....Happy birthday!

    1. Thanks Dave, really appreciate you stopping by. Hope you can find the energy to post sometime soon on your own blog!

  8. Happy belated birthday! Congratulations on your blog milestone too,I'd have commented earlier but work blah blah,life etc!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha! All good mate and thank you very much!
