04 August 2021

More scenic pieces

 Finding a little more time to myself in the last few evenings has allowed me to work on some more terrain pieces in my unpainted mountain for the Season of Scenery challenge.

The first of these are a pair of wrecked vehicles from the Waling Dead minis game. The car kinda looks like a Mercedes and the truck a Chevy in my mind. 

Painting was simple base/drybrush/multiple-washes. Tried to make them look like they’d been left out for a bit too. The sculpts are good enough for gaming and their price point and the box comes with duplicates too which is nice. 

These will find use in my (ever so slow cooking) zombie survival game project.

Joe’s Tows. No tow hook tho. Joe isn’t that smart. Neither is my freehand lol

Third piece to show is a statue I put together. 40mm base with a Gatorade bottle lid and an old metal Reaper miniatures kneeling Paladin on a curved lipped 25mm base. With a little dry brushing some washes and some basing elements to age it I think it came out looking better than where it started, which honestly wasn’t very encouraging! Lol

I think it’ll be usable for both fantasy games but also historical at a push? We’ll see. 

This post was put together exclusively on my iPhone so I hope it and the pics comes out okay, feel free to let me know.

Have moved onto something very different now these are drying after being varnished. Hope to have pics posted up soon.

As always, stay safe out there.

- Dai


  1. Lovely work on the cars, where did you get them? I've got some 1/43 cheap die cast ones which I'm yet to finish weathering (going for burnt-out/rusty look). I like the way you've done the statue too!

    1. Thanks Matt! They are from Mantic’s Walking Dead game scenery pack. Just some vac-formed cheapies but they workout okay

  2. The cars look excellent Dai, really beat up and left to decay, The freehand looks good, and if you still feel their not great then the story could be that Joe couldn't afford a proper sign writer, so his mate did it for a six pack !
    Great statue as well mate, nicely overgrown, and suitably weathered.

    1. Ooo, that's given me the perfect excuse for my freehanding! "The skilled graffiti guy was feeling a bit sick so his cousin did it" LOL!

    2. Thanks Dave. Yeah I think I’ll be using the excuse as well lol

  3. Great use of that reaper figure! Turned out nicely, and should give a little color/cover to a ruined city, or a forgotten park.

    1. Many thanks LGP! One day if it ever cools down enough I’ll hope to feature it in a solo game

  4. All looks great and photos sharp. Nice job!

  5. Those all came out really well! I especially like the statue. Would really fit in any fantasy settings. 😀

    1. Cheers Stew!
      Yeah, a bit more fantasy than historical now I look at it closer

  6. That all hits the 'kool' button.

  7. Fantastic work on the wrecked vehicles Dai! I have a few of these yet to be painted myself. Snagged some extra Walking Dead terrain boxes during one of the Mantic Sales. Should I send them to you to paint for me? ;)

    1. Cheers Terry and no. But thank you. LOL

  8. Statue is ace and nice cars!
    Best Iain
