28 August 2021

1942 Ww2 Canadian Regulars (Dieppe Landing project compete!)

 Today’s post brings my Dieppe Landing project officially to a close. I’m very pleased to see these boys finished as it’s been a bit since I’ve actually completed a project! 

*Please note the terms “finished and completed” are loosely used here are already I have additions to this army on the plastic & lead mountain…. It never ends, right? 

This ten man Section represent Canada’s finest army regulars, very well trained and poorly prepared for the landings August 19th 1942. 

The sculpts are older Commonwealth infantry plastic kits by Warlord Games. I think the uniforms and helmets are a little more suitable for later war actions but for their price point I felt they’d make do. Not the biggest fan of this kit as they were dead fiddly to put together but they look decent enough painted up and I have a second section primed along with a PIAT team for paint to be done at a later date.

Next up is my last entry for Dave Stone’s Summer of Scenery challenge, a resin Humvee from Warlord Games (no longer supported) Project Z zombie survival game. It’s an okay sculpt but is seriously small for a 28mm game - more like 1:60 really. Regardless, it’ll be fine for the tabletop and hopefully offer a fun gaming option. Left the painting to a passable tabletop effort, the colour scheme was taken from a National Guard Humvees that we’re parked outside my workplace summer 2020 when the riots were going on all over the country. 

As alway, stay safe and healthy out there!

- Dai


  1. Your Canadians look great Dai, to be honest I wouldn't have known the outfits weren't right for the time period, unless you told me.
    Great work on the Humvee like the weathered scratched look you've gone for on it. Useful you got to see some close up, but not for the reason why !

    1. Thank you Dave! Seeing them with the wrong uniforms hurts a hobbyist like me who likes to research those kind of things. OCD is real people lol

  2. You paint a very characterful figure, Dai. Say, is that Humvee one of the 22,000 the US left to the Taliban?

    1. Yeah, I managed to have one set aside for my own personal collection before our boys were sent home. :)

      Cheers Jon

  3. Both good additions to the DD collection

  4. They look great and the basing is perfect for the shingle beach at Dieppe. The sergeant w the Sten is especially fearsome. Well done.
    Cheers, Mike

    1. Cheers Mike! Glad they fit the bill!

  5. Nice work Dai! Love the Hummer shame its a bit small.

    1. Cheers Simon! Yeah, it's about 3/4 the size it should be but o well. It'll do!

  6. Lovely looking Canadians and the humvee looks suitably distressed!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Amazing what some simple sponging can do to a model!

  7. Great work on the figures Dai, my own BEF project is currently stalled as I am working on getting stuff done for Stargrave. As the pandemic was until recently winding down, I need to get stuff ready for when we can play together again. Sort of feel like we are on a roller coaster with the ups & downs.

    1. Cheers Terry! Joys of having too many projects! I suffer from the same in a terrible manner. Still, that suits my butterfly attention span. :)

  8. Nice job! Collections are only ever 95% complete because there’s always something in the lead pile waiting to be painted; eve if only to be used 1 out of 10 times. 😀

  9. Nice work on both of these projects Dai. I agree with your analysis of the Warlord plastic figures and Victrix are even worse! Nice enough when completed but a real pain to get to that stage. I currently have a box each of the Perry 8th Army and Afrika Korps - they are nice and simple to assemble and paint up well - I wish they had done a few more sets - apart from US ETO infantry, these are all the WW2 28mm plastics the twins have done so far and they seem otherwise engaged at the moment so I doubt there will be much expansion of the WW2 range in plastic...

    1. Thank you sir!

      Those Perry's US and 8th Army kits look so nice. But from what I've read, they are somewhat smaller than the Warlord sculpts? (Closer to 25mm rather than the 28mm "heroic" scale Warlord uses)
