08 July 2021

D-Day and Beyond (WIP)

 This is another side project, though is still in conjunction with my WW2 Canadians, but more for D-Day and to the end of the war, rather than my 1942 Dieppe original project. Saw this kit on Ebay for a very reasonable price and snapped it up!       

For those who don't immediately identify this little tin can, this is a Warlord Games Mark V Sherman tank. Plastic kit that went together with only a little fuss (Not the best assembly instructions). I had some metal stowage pieces from.... a while ago and so added those too along with some plastic spare road wheels and jerrycans. 

This'll be painted and marked up to represent a Sherman from the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade.

Simple highlights and tidy-ups done. Plastic Driver and Metal Commander Added.

This thing is currently drying from it's primary varnishing, prior to decals and weathering being added.

Better look at the stowage. More than I typically add to my tanks, but certainly not as much as I've seen others put on, especially those amazing scale modellers.

The tank Driver is actually a plastic Commander fig cut down to fit inside the hole. I think I left him still too tall, but eh, he'll do. 

Hope to have finished pics up next post!


  1. Oh, this is a fine piece! Looking forward to seeing the finished product but it already looks fab. Nice!

    1. Appreciate that Jon! Hope the finished effort won’t disappoint

  2. Already looking fantastic Dai, and then your adding the decals and weathering on top. Excellent progress mate, and look forward to seeing the finished piece. I like the amount of stowage you've gone with, makes me think in it for the long haul not just a battle and done.

    1. Cheers Dave! Yeah I was hoping it looked like it was on a campaign. Hope to have the finished result up before the weekend

  3. Looking great so far!

    What color do you use as the base for British tanks? I have some 15mm Brits that I want to get to soon (so at this rate, 2025?)

    1. Thanks mate!

      Vallejo Russian Uniform is my go to for British armour. Used it ever since my FoW days

  4. Excellent work, truly excellent. It already looks the biz, and you've not yet put any decals on it. :-)

    1. Thanks loads Simon!
      Truly appreciate the kind words

  5. Looks very nice, lovely details!

  6. Your Sherman has turned out really well. Love the commander addition as well.

    1. Hopefully the weathering won’t mess it up! Lol

      Cheers Simon

  7. That’s not finished? It looks fine to me! 😀
    Good luck on the project my friend and finding more hobby time.

    1. You know I am terrible for not being done when most others are happy to move on to the next project.

      Thanks Stew!

  8. Splendid looking tank already, I'm sure it will be even better with weathering, just a little bit of project creep then?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain!
      And yeah… we’ll spotted lol
