15 May 2021

Dieppe Commandos (11 of 16)

 As mentioned in my last post, I and not a fan of batch painting. It’s just not fun. I prefer the experience of putting all my effort into one mini until it’s done. Trying to get a system going on 10+ minis at a time just becomes “work”. Enough grumbling though. :)

With that said I only managed to get 5 of the 10 remaining Commandos completed but I’ll call that a victory! (The remaining 5 are also about 50% done so not all bad.)

On to the pics.

Like a lot of war gamers I am not a big fan of prone poses, but they are more realistic cos afterall, who wants to make a big target of themselves by standing tall?

Overhead shot to get a better look at this prone blokes.

The final 5 waiting to be done.

After these last five are done, then it’s on to the regular troops. Here’s one squad ready for priming. I also have a second squad not pictured to paint but they aren’t in my initial army list and I’ll use them for larger games. I also have a PIAT team too.

Thinking I need a palette cleanser mini to work on before i finish the commandos so expect that next.

Stay safe out there,

- Dai


  1. Nice work! These look like more BTD figures to me.

    1. Of the finished bunch, the standing fellows are BTD, but the prone ones are Wargames Foundry. Glad you like Jon

  2. The commandos turned out great Dai, I know what you mean about batch painting, always preferred working on an individual model, Oh the trials of a wargamer ! LOL

    1. What a struggle eh? Lol
      Cheers Dave

  3. Despite the struggle they certainly look the business Dai, great stuff 😀

    1. Cheers Ivor. I stalled out on the 2nd five, so we'll see if I can muster the energy to get those finished up too this week.

  4. Looking good Dai! Yeah I hate batch painting. Breaking stuff down into smaller more manageable chunks is much easier.

    1. Exactly. Is why painting up units for armies is such a chore to me. LOL

      Thanks mate.

  5. Really like the prone figures. I usually feel there aren’t enough of those on the table when miniatures are using fire arms. Though they are harder to pick up. 😀

    Batch painting or no; as long as miniatures are getting painted is all that really matters.

    1. Never thought about the issue with grabbing prone minis from the tabletop, but you're right. :)

      And yes, at least I can call seeing these finished up a victory!

  6. More good looking commandos! Batch Painting is like having your teeth drilled without an injection, you just have to let the pain wash over you and then your fine!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheer mate.
      LOL - you sir, are a masochist.

  7. Nice work as always Dai. Know what you mean about prone poses but being close to the ground is best when the lead is in the air, unlike the figure standing nonchalantly with the Tommy gun, who sees just asking to be shot! Batch painting is a bit of a pain, I find that with my 6mm stuff I ave to adopt a Zen like detachment. Cheers, Mike

    1. I can only imagine! Makes sense though, perfect sense.

      I need to find that zen, for sure.

  8. More excellent work on them Dai! Guess we are working hand in hand on our respective projects in regards to getting all the troops painted! Do you have a particular ruleset in mind for their use?

    1. Thanks Terry! Yep, lots of troops-painting going on between us.
      For an initial rules set Bolt Action will be my go-to just for an easy beer and pretzels basis, but eventually I'll be trying out Chain of Command (Meaning I'll need to paint up even more troops! LOL).

  9. More than one way to skin a cat Dai but the end result is your commando's look great.
