03 April 2020

The Searchers - Rogues and Royalists (Royalists done and way, way more. For me.)

The Searchers are a team sent out by the local garrison to track down and contain Ma' Tuppence's gang of Rogues, The Red Toothe. Led by Ellista Shorttail, the team hopes to eradicate the bandits with the utmost prejudice. 

Fat Willum is the team's dedicated long ranged specialist. He doesn't care at all about being called fat as e'always claims he's the warmest when it's cold.

The red Fleur de Lis on a black background is the symbol of royalist troops. This symbol carries through on all the team's members. 

Ellista Shorttail, a fearsome mouse warrioress and leader of The Searchers.

Gorman Shorttail is both second to Ellista and her younger brother.  He has quested across the lands for the mythical lost  Grail of Saint Melchior the Squaloured.

This is Manfred Grimm, a massive hound and the muscle of the Searchers. Not very intelligent, but he's a very handy fellow to have in a fight.

The Searchers all together with Friar Fullmouth. 
I also got another Burrows and Badgers mini painted, originally sculpted to be a Starling, I instead felt it'd look better as my favorite bird, a Jackdaw. Originally he was slated to be a member of The Searchers, but I switched out some of the members and now he'll have to fit in elsewhere.

This CORVID-19 business has had us stuck at home so I've had loads of time to keep painting my backlog. I got the second part of the Honoured Imperium terrain set painted, the Fallen Aquila. Simple piantjob, but it'll work fine on the tabletop.

 These three Warlord Games Mastiffs were previewed a while back in PIP form and now are done. They'll work well for a number of settings I think.

My Face-to-Face role-play group are understandably unable to meet for our regular games, so we've started a game on a message board. I decided it would be fun to find and paint minis in my large fantasy figs backlog for each of our characters. Only two finished thus far though.

Gotfried, Paladin of Ragethiel, my character.

Freehanding Ragathiel's emblem on the shield  was a pig and I'm not happy with the result, but it will do .

This is Saucy Jack, a Swashbuckler.  

I also  got a Light Mortar team painted for my WW2 Dieppe Commandos army. I have a Bren Gun team on the desk for this project next.

These two are some RedBoxGames minis that I ordered a long time ago but never painted. These naked musclebound brutes I think were titled as Giantkin. Forgive the nudity.

This chap got a weapon transplant after finding his original axe was missing. This huge club was a bit in my bits box that I think originally belonged to a Marauder Miniatures Beastman.

And lastly an older Forget World Cyber Mastiff. Simple paint job and his master will be posted up next once painted. 

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there!


  1. Wow... Just wow!! This posting would take me a good month to assemble, paint and base, Dai, so I can only imagine how productive your painting currently must be. And its definitely quality over quantity too, as your paint-jobs are simply smashing!!

    1. Thanks ever so Simon, I’m a bit proud of how much I’ve managed to get done thus far.

  2. Superb brushwork! You have kept your brush to the grindstone to turn out so many excellent pieces. The hound and the giant are my favorites in this huge tranche of figures.

    Well done!

    1. Happy to read you like them Jon. It’s been refreshing to feel so enthused to get work done so.

  3. A very nice mix of figures Dai.

  4. Wow Dai you have been very busy, all look fantastic, the burrows and badgers team look awesome, and like your choice to make the bird a jackdaw, the aquilla looks excellent, as do your mastiff's and brutes. The mortar team has a very real look to them, and what a great idea to make up models for your roleplay group, whhile your doing it by message

    1. Cheers Dave. Was having a ball getting all that done. Hope this energy continues!

  5. My word Dai, you've been busy! These immense! Love all of it, but the creatures at the start are just brilliant - and adorable.

    1. Glad you like them Michael! I've got loads more on the painting desk that I hope to get done in the next days.

  6. Great looking collection of painted miniatures. The hound looks huge compared to the other critters. I do find it strange that as an adult you have a favorite bird...😀

    But at this rate you should have a nice (if not a bit random) collection of newly painted miniatures ready for the game table. 😀

    1. LOL! Fav bird, fav animal, fav car, fav food. Yup, I'm a big kid.

      I now have enough to run a demo game of Burrows and Badgers, but want a 3rd team painted up for lasgunpacker too!

  7. Splendid mixed bag of figures, gorgeous painting and such a wide spectrum!
    Best Iain

    1. Just keeping the hobby mojo going, although now I'm back to work.... that seems to have stalled somewhat.

      Thanks Iain! :)
