23 July 2019

Bullocks (Part 1)

Some time back, a very lovely surprise parcel arrived at my home from a kind fellow blogger by the name of Iain. (His blog is very spiffy with some lovely armies and terrain to drool over HERE) Inside I found two old Marauder Miniatures Minotaur sculpts circa 1990 that I had owned when I was but a young teen and they were first released, but sadly since lost in the annals of time and girls and booze. Iain heard my sob story after he posted his own painted versions and sent me a spare pair of these lovely bovine warriors. Below, you'll see only one of the two painted up, the 2nd to be previewed at a later date.

Now I love these old cartoony style sculpts. Per usual, they have lots of character and this fellow looks like one heck of a thick-headed brute to me. My only complaint is that as part bull, wouldn't he be sporting a lovely pair of knackers betwixt his legs like real bulls do? Of course he should! So yeah, I green-stuffed some testicles on the bloke and made sure they were appropriately visible. (Added the same to his soon to be shown pal as well.)

Yet to name him, but if you can come up with something appropriate, fire away int he comments!

A simple paintjob to just get him off my desk. It'll do for Tabletop and Roleplay games!

Guess they don't make comfortable undies large enough to contain his manliness?

Also, I found myself entertaining a little insanity and decided that starting a new Warhammer 40K army would be a great idea! So, I assembled these two and now have the start of a burgeoning Genestealer Cult army! 

Wait, are these Xenos freaks sporting Icons dedicating them to the Chaos god, Khorne!? (More on this in a future post)


  1. That is a mean looking bull! Nifty conversion work and fine paint job. As for a suitable name, I am drawing a blank. We had a similarly temperamental bull growing up on the ranch. We called him "Rosie." Perhaps that explains his volatile mood?

    1. Thanks Jonathan! Rosie is a hilarious name for a bull! ^_^

  2. Nice Minotaur! Congratulations on the 40k purchase. I hope it goes well. I bought some AoS stuff recently. It's way out of my wheelhouse but a blast to paint.

    1. Thanks Ski - I hope so too. Have a nasty habit of starting projects and rarely finishing them though...

  3. Great looking bull Dai, and a great nostalgic trip.
    Intrigued by the khorne genestealer cult

    1. Appreciate the kind words Dave. Is always fun to paint up the mini's from a gaming time of yore...

  4. The names Vine . . . . . Bo Vine ;0)

    1. and I love the nod to the old white dwarf 'Genestealer' article. Can't wait to see this brood develop!

    2. That's exactly where I got the idea. Been wanting to recreate that old cool army ever since I first saw it in WD. We'll see if I can do it justice.

      Bo Vine... I like it!

  5. What a cracking sculpt and lovely paint job too.

    1. Thanks Michael! I am very much liking him myself - not too tall and yet still physically imposing enough to cause an adventurer or two to pause before charging I think.

  6. Hey he looks great! Glad you like him and I always liked the genestealer cult army, can't wait for more!
    Best Iain

    1. All thanks to you good sir. I'll try to get the 2nd minotaur done up asap. GSC have always been a dirty secret appreciation - I hope to do it justice.

  7. Dai’s simple paint job = best I could ever hope to paint. Lol
    Nice cow, ferocious. Though I find I have some sympathy with him bc we both struggle to find undies that can contain our manliness.
    Or maybe it’s just the beginning of old age setting in? 😀

    1. Oh, and Milk Stud is obviously his name.

    2. I would comment on your manliness, but I feel that it would be inappropriate to do so on this everso family friendly a blog.

      Milk Stud.... Hrm... I like this one too. Choices choices...

  8. Great paint job. Maybe the original figures were oxen?

    And Khorne worshiping Genestealers seem like they are even more confused as to what is really going on. ;)

    1. Hrm, perhaps. Hadn't considered that.

      Ha! I'll do a full post on this project soon which will hopefully explain how this came about.

  9. Looking forward to more corn-stealers.
