04 December 2018

A ramble and Lemmy

Sadly little to report in the hobby realms on my end since my last post. My move went really well with lots of good mates who helped shift everything over in (surprising) only two trips. O_o
My new flat is now unpacked and I severely underestimated the amount of space I'd have available to set up my hobby station, so that's in my front room and ready to rock too.

The hobby mojo though is running on fumes right now. Too much on my mind - still getting used to living on my own for the first time in 21 years (Outside of marriage I always had room mates.) and trying to get my head around being an available single man again, which I was never really good at even before I met my ex and now seems to be almost exclusively done digitally somehow. (Ugh...)

My friend turns 40 tomorrow and for his birthday present, I managed to source this trio of lovely sculpts as he's a big Lemmy (From Motorhead) fan. I'm hoping the fig's arrival will help get my hobby mojo going again so I can get it to it's new owner in time for his actual bloody birthday (Unlikely) and I can then move on to the other many, many project that I have waiting.

One thing this move has done is impress upon me just how much bloody unpainted miniatures and terrain I have sitting around! Damn near had me in a panic.

Hope to have a proper hobby update posted before Xmas gets here - just need to drop the Playstation controller for a bit and step away from Red Dead Redemption 2. (Harder than it sounds. LOL!)



  1. Glad to hear the move went well! It is always scary to see how much "just a few boxes" of miniatures adds up to when you see it packed in a car or worse, in a single stack somewhere.

    You could always post pictures of your work space to get people interested in what is on your work bench?

    1. :) Thanks mate. I may well do just that - good idea.

  2. Good news to read that the move was uneventful. Once life settles down a bit for you, I am sure hobby interests will return.

    Piles of unpainted lead? Don't get me started...

    1. Ha! All a matter of perspective surely? ;)

  3. Glad your move was uneventful, and good luck in your new place and with everything that entails.
    Now wait, there are Motorhead miniatures? !
    Never heard of such a thing. That will make a sweet gift. 😀

    1. Cheers Stew.
      There are so many boutique sculptors out there now, it's hard to NOT find a mini for some niche thing or other.

      BTW - Did you get my last email mate?

    2. Certainly did my friend. Sorry for not answering yet. ☹️

    3. You have a lot on your plate matey. No rush, none at all.

  4. Good to hear the move went well! Best of luck with "singles scene", I couldn't even imagine that nowadays.
    I've had my eye on those Motorhead figures for a while now, I'm sure when you open that box the mojo will return 🙂

    1. It's a flippin nightmare mate.

      They are lovely and crisp sculpts and perfect for a zombie apocalypse project - hint hint ;)

  5. Those Motorhead minis are awesome. Let's try to get together once the holidays are through.

    1. That would be great Rich. I'll be in touch once we get this holiday season done with.

  6. Great looking Motorhead figures,glad the move went well, maybe sending you more figures wasn't a great idea!
    Best Iain

    1. LOL! Yeah, I got a bit frightened when I saw just how much I have sat waiting to get painted.

  7. It will return with vengeance at some point mate. This time of year is always so tricky to find motivation.

  8. Glad the move went well. Cool Motorhead minis, I didn't know they existed. I have the Undead Lemmy from Diehard somewhere.

    1. O! Would love to see that. Thanks mate

  9. Great motorhead mini's Dai, hope you find the motivation to get them done in time. It can be very strange a huge change in lifestyle but in time you get adjusted.
    As for the whole cyber dating scene I wouldn't wish that on anyone !

    1. I hope I do Lemmy justice. :)

      And you're not wrong there Dave. It IS a big change. Just have to find my rhythm again is all I guess.

  10. Hi Dai, not seen you about on the blog's for a while, just wanted to check you were all right mate ?
