01 May 2018

Comrade! (Part 27 - KV Wip and something ancient-y)

Only a little hobbying to show since last post.

I built the KV-1/2 kit I get as part of my prize from the Stalingrad event  I went to on the 21st. It was a relatively simple model to put together and I really love the fact that it comes with two distinct different turrets for the chassis so you can make either the standard KV-1, or the crazy top-heavy looking KV-2. (Differences between the two - the KV-1 mounted a medium anti-tank gun, whilst the KV-2 had a scary arsed Heavy Howitzer!)

Just a pic of the build so far. The only real fiddly bits were the two tiny machinegun barrels (One on the hull as pictured and another on the rear of each turret) that were hard to handle without getting one's fingers glued up.

Silly design really - these things could potentially tip backwards if they were set up on an incline!

I also was excited to see this new shiny thing arrive in my postbox on Saturday! This is a new game put out by Andy Hobday, who seems a jolly nice bloke. Along with this new starter set, the Gangs of War game in general seems to be very well supported with lots of free to download scenarios that can take new players beyond the one in the box. I really like how it's a really small scale game (So only a handful of minis each that need to be painted!) and after a quick scan through the rules, seems very straight forward to learn. This set also was a steal as it includes a beautiful Temple to Apollo in mid-construction (By Sarissa Design.). I've begun gluing it together, though there's not much to look at so far, so instead, here is a derpy picture of me and my acquisition from the weekend.

Ladies, this hunk is avail... oh feck, who am I kidding. There're no ladies following my blog!
In my last post, I briefly described a very funny (At the time) moment during the Stalingrad event where my team-mate, Tony sent in from reserve his Ampulet team up a sewerage canal on an inflatable dingy. Well, here's a pic he took of said team! Bloody ridiculous and we all (German player aside) had a good laugh over it!

Last night I had a wee bit of time to slap a little paint on a couple of my zombie collection to cleanse the pallet sotospeak after painting so much WW2 uniforms, so next post they should be finished and ready to show off - watch this space!


  1. There's something so brutal about the KV2 , looks like a nice kit,l'm still finishing my IS2 sounds like a fun game but maybe terrain heavy? Minatours packed, hoping to post Saturday!(Although you seem to have enough to be getting on with!)
    Best Iain

    1. Terrain heavy? It could be, though with it being more objective based, I think you could get away from just all out "see and enemy and charge" type set-ups with fewer terrain pieces on the board.

      Ah! I'd forgotten about the minotaur! Will be sure to give him the love he deserves upon receipt mate!

  2. Gangs of Rome looks very interesting, and I agree, just a few figures is a big plus!

    1. I think, once I get the set built and painted up, that this may well be a good one for our limited gaming opportunities mate?

    2. Yes, sounds like it!

      And we are clearly due.

  3. Yes! Gangs of Rome starter looking very good!

    1. I had a feeling you might be getting into this game as well mate. ;)

  4. great looking tank, can you imagine how unbalanced that turret is though, just one track slightly higher than the other and it would topple over surely?

    GoR looks fab and I drooled over the table at Salute this year. It might be an acquisition later on this year.

    1. It happened a few documented times apparently. Designers were bloody bonkers.

      I think GoR would suit your tastes Andy.

  5. Formidable looking tank, and Gangs of Rome is tempting too - good posting, Comrade, and looking forward to seeing how both of these projects progress. Love the sewer soviets btw - made me laff :-)

    1. We all laughed when Tony decided to bring on the Sewer Soviet team like that. That is, except the German player who's pesky heavily armoured tank was the reason for sending them his way! Silly sod just took his tank off the table claiming "It was all silly and unfair" and that his tank crew would retreat at that point. Yeesh...

  6. Good looking tank. Makes me think there might be the basis for an Orky vehicle. Interesting looking game. Teachers strike aside, I'll be back in Sac area in June.

    1. I think so too. Looking at a lot of the 40K vehicles, their real life design inspirations become rather apparent once one gets into WW1 or WW2 gaming.

      June.... hrm. If it's early, I should be very available. Late, sadly getting ready to go on holiday. I'll email you Sean.

  7. Everyone loves a KV.

    Who’s that bald thug holding a game about gangs killing each other in the streets? Scary. 😀

    1. No idea - some twat with a derpy complexion.

  8. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Love it. That was a seriously impressive haul you got...

    1. For 35 quid, the Blood on the Aventine box is a bloody good deal all things considered. Purchasing the terrain piece alone I believe costs almost that much.

  9. Good stuff, I'm not looking forward to facing that KV beast with only a few Japanese suicide bombers.

    1. Funny, in Bolt Action, tanks can be so nasty, but they are often a lot of points and can't hold objectives in scenarios. Best way to deal with tanks when you lack lots of AT is to just ignore them and kill your opponent's infantry instead.

  10. Awww yeah - Really looking forward to seeing the KV come together. Had a good chuckle over the sewer-swimmers too!

    1. It's not high on the "Things to do" list, but I'm also looking forward to plonking it down, all white-washed and ready to run over Krauts!

  11. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with Gangs of Rome. I'm on the fence for this one, so I'll be watching your progress in the game with great interest.

    1. So far from what ive read of the rules its very nicely straight forward. The models are good sculpts and its not too badly priced in the scheme of things.
      The terrain pieces they came out with are also rather lovely and not badly priced at that.
      Yet to play tho, so will for sure post up my thoughts once i do.
