30 September 2017

Where were your evolved sensibilities then? (Part 5 - Done!)

And she's done.
Think this is the largest model I've ever slapped paint to and I'm glad i finally gor her finished.

For once, I'm actually proud of my work. Quite possibly my best paint job to date.

This thing can be used as a GW Great Unclean One, or any sort of horrible demon type thing really. She stands around 6" tall and with the added little demon things took around 10 hours to finish. No idea when or how I'll get to use her in game but shw certainly looks great in my display case!

Enough waffling, on to the crap pics!

General spin around to show the goods.

Closeups of face, belly, back and bootie. A real catch for any immortal, right?

The Lampads, three with torches to light her way through the underworld, two behind her that are merely frolicking.

Her rusty blade. At least i hope it looks rusty to you?

Lastly a wee action shot showing a couple of badarse barbarian adventurers that obviously took a wrong turn.  (For scale)

A little blurb behind where she comes from in my gaming setting. This is Hecate wife of Hades in the Greek mythology. She is in her war form not in her beautiful Queen of the Undead typical look. The little demons about her feet are Lampads, the underworld beings that light Hecate's path as she passes through Hades' realm. 

To finish this small project i still have around 9 or 10 "Harpies" that ive put together that also need painting. We'll see how my motivation is at when it comes time to tackle those girls.


  1. She's quite, er, 'lovely' Dai.

    1. Agreed, definitely one to bring home to meet one's mum.

  2. Utterly unpleasant! Total success! Love the rust too.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Was a bit worried that trying the rust effect without powders, etc might not work out, but I think this is about as good as my level of painting can offer.

  3. Ohh sexeh ladeh! Good job mate.

    1. She's yours for the night if you want. Insatiable appetite, though might leave you with a nasty case of something itchy and drippy...

  4. That is great! The rust works perfectly, it's got that textured look and the colours are spot on. It's the yellow wound on his leg that caught my eye - nice contrast with the rest of the model. You should be proud, it looks stunning!

    1. Thanks Stuart! Coming from you, I really appreciate the kind words.

  5. That is brilliant . . . . . absolutely disgusting but brilliant!

    1. Wouldn't be much of an undead demon thing if she weren't revolting to look upon. Cheers mate.

  6. Lovely work, suitably icky! Great stuff. :)

  7. I love everything about this. Great job!

  8. Ew. Gross. Again. 😀

    Sword looks great, all corroded. The size comparison pic is really revealing on how large the model is.

    1. Cheers Stew. Yeah, she's a large one for sure. Really pushed skills (And patience) to make sure I got her where I wanted her to be.

  9. Wow. Astonishingly unpleasant. I've not seen a sight like that since the last time I went clubbing in Norwich!

    1. Well, my memories of Norwich clubbing were mid 90s and i had a pretty good time... so maybe we went to differrent clubs? XD

      thanks drax

  10. Hecate is absolutely beautiful! You have every reason to be proud (although you have many other miniatures which you should also be pretty proud about). There are so many gorgeous details. I especially love the dramatic patina of rust on her sword.

    1. Matthew, you are too kind, thank you everso much.

  11. Oooo, lovely work! She's got a really rotten and decomposing look about her, you've got the skin tones nailed! The rusty sword is really well done and is spot on for a Nurgle weapon. Fantastic stuff!
