18 September 2017

Where were your evolved sensibilities then? (Part 4 - No Hope WIP?)

Real life has taken the wind out of my sails hobby-wise of late, so little has been done until this weekend. (Little = nothing at all infact.)

But this poor unloved thing was batting it's baby... whites (?) at me from her spot on my hobby shelves and so I felt pressured to slap some more layers about her gruesome person. I hadn't even touched her since the last time I included her in a post (Has it really been over 2 years since???), so this really was an overdue effort on my part.

Still along way to go, but I'm getting close to what I'd consider "finished" with her skin and yucky parts. Loads left to do on her mouth'n'tongue, sword (Not pictured.), exposed guts, base and the wee Lampads about her feet.

Lighting is harsh, so all the shading and highlights are bleached out of these photos

If you think her back looks yucky, just wait until she's done and I take some pics of what remains of her backside. 

A hefty lass. This is the largest model I've ever painted. She towers over regular 28/32mm minis!

There were some games played of late, but sadly no pics taken. I got a game of Bolt Action in versus Densmol. I think he won. It was ages ago though, so it might have been me. My mate Stew (Who'll soon have a blog of his own to view - link coming soon.) brought over some of his 1/1200 Age of Sail minis and a fun rules set to try out where my French tall ships managed to defeat the pride of his British navy. Not a genre I'll be buying into, but one I enjoy playing and look forward to trying it out again in the future.

Hope to have some more progress to show on the big lass pictured above soon!


  1. Very cool Nurgle lady, there is something rather relaxing about painting Nurgle it's all carefree as you don't have to worry about neat lines or pooling washes I find.

    1. Thanks mate. Agree completely on painting nurgle stuff - Chaos in general should be mostly that way too I think.

  2. Gobsmackingly awesome mini, Dai, and great paintwork. Just wow!!!

    1. There's loads more to be done! Cheers Simon mate.

  3. If all the miniatures look this good I don't mind waiting one bit.

  4. Replies
    1. She's definitely a hefty gal. So much skin, it's hard not to paint it all too uniformly.

  5. Replies
    1. She also eats Warhounds for breakfast.

  6. Nasty and unpleasant, which I'm guessing is what you were aiming for?!
    Best Iain

    1. Without a doubt. Plans to make her still more unlovely, watch this space.

  7. Yikes! That's a grotesque model and a truly disgusting paint scheme. It's perfect! :D

    Hope things ease up on ya from the Real Life(tm) front, bud. Cheers!

    1. Much appreciated mate.

      It really is a wonderful and horrible sculpt. I like it a lot!

  8. What a terribly disgusting figure... in a good way!

    And real life does have a tendency to get in the way of fun stuff!

  9. Yep. Expect her to rise from the sea in our next tall ships game!

  10. Looking good. Sometimes the projects that you left for dead can be the most rewarding to finish.
