24 July 2017

Weekend Painting Update

After being low on painting mojo for a couple weeks, this weekend saw my mojo return with aplomb!

Whilst I only managed to get a small scatter terrain piece fully painted, I did get work done on other stuff too, including a secret project for a mate that I'll preview later after he's got it in hand.

First up, my WW2 Soviet Lend Lease M3 Half-Track (By Blitzkrieg Miniatures) has all of it's base green/wash/green+details stuff done. Now just weathering and markings to go. Not sure I'll be white-washing this one up to add a little variance amongst the schemes on my WW2 Soviet vehicles, though it will get the same snow and mud treatment as my other vehicles.

Blitzkrieg are known for their fine work. It's obvious that they design and then 3D print their stuff as their were the tell-tale print lines on the chassis on this resin&metal sculpt. Not sure I appreciate the texture on the flat areas, but between paint and weathering I'm hoping it'll be less of an of an issue for me.

Some nice stowage sculpted on to this thing. Had to add the driver from my pile of spare plastic parts though. 

Next is this nifty little resin wall. It was a cool and very affordable find in the bargain area at my LGS and was simple to paint up. The sculpt had quite a few bubbles but nothing so bad that couldn't be covered up by the moss effects and dark colours painted on and I've no idea who produces the piece. Nothing fancy, just good enough for slapping on the table - one can never have too much scatter terrain afterall.

The creamy rock thing in a little left of middle is some sort of equine-looking skull.

On the left facing is a bit of chain. No idea what it would be there for pratically, but it was nice to break up the otherwise stack-o-blocks.

Lastly, after my last post on the Dragon Rampant game my son and I played, I felt the urge to work on something "fantasy" to add to our next game together - so here's a Griffon. It's made by Wizkids in their new pre-primed plastic range that is far too affordable that I'm assuming was created to compete with the Reaper Bones plastic range. (Which if they keep charging a mere $3-4 for each pack, they'll quickly out-price Reaper.) The sculpt is very crisp and dynamic, obviously a CAD effort, but has some very obvious mold lines (That I couldn't be arsed to try to remove for fear of losing detail.) that make for a good gaming piece, but not so good for those who cringe at such blemishes in a model. So far just base coat and wash, still simple highlights and detailing to go plus some basing. I have some more of these pre-primed fantasy sculpts that I'll be painting up in the future.

Watch as the deadly griffon pounces upon a doe-like rock and blunts it's talons in an effort to squeeze the blood from it! 


  1. Good stuff mate, glad too see ya painting again.

  2. I always love a Griffin.

  3. Great to see your mojo back Dai, and what a treat that Griffon and Half-Track are - very nice work, and I'm interested to hear your thoughts on "Wizkids" pre-paints - I've yet to open my Displacer Beast.

    1. Thanks Simon.
      So far they seem sturdy and crisp with little to no typical soft-plastic bending (Unlike Reaper minis where it's rare to come across one that doesn't suffer from a bendy staff/sword/etc.). The griffon has taken paint very nicely, so their claim of "Pre-primed" is accurate and one cannot complain about their pricing in the least!
      As a roleplayer I also love the fact that they have included in their range minis in both genders for each playable class and species in D&D. (Usable in Pathfinder as well)
      Overall, mold-lines aside, I'd say for a budget miniatures option, they are a very good buy and I'll certainly be sourcing some of their sculpts for future projects (Currently ooo-ing and ah-ing over their Mind Flayers and Troll!).

    2. "Currently ooo-ing and ah-ing over their Mind Flayers and Troll!" - Go on, get ten, you know you want to ;-)

  4. Looking good, I like that griffin a lot.

    1. Cheers Rich - hope to have it finished up ready for posting tonight or tomorrow!

  5. Nice progress. That wall looks fab dude nice find. Love the Griffin nice start on it. I like its pose as well

    1. Cheers Mate. The wall will work for all sorts of games - rpg's, historicals you name it. I'm a big fan of the Griffon's pose too, I'll try to have the finished version up soon.

  6. You really are back with aplomb! That Griffin looks excellent and what a great sculpt for that price. Off to do some browsing now...

    1. Do it mate, there's some really fun stuff in there and whilst I'm not the biggest fan of computer designed minis, for the price these are a bargain by far.

  7. Nice looking half track, terrain is always good and a useful fantasy type, lots of boxes ticked!
    Best Iain

  8. Awesome work, man! The halftrack looks great and the griffon is shaping up nicely!

    1. Thanks Mord'. It's good to have the energy to paint again. :)

  9. Keep em coming Dai. Good source of figures I think. Wizkids that is. I'll take a look at those.

    1. Thanks mate. Yes, do - their character range is especially cool.
