03 July 2017

Comrade! (Part 20 - Lend Lease M3 Stuart - Done!)

This is about as "finished" as this little tank is going to get.

(If you are not aware of what the "Lend Lease Act" was, then you can read a brief history on it HERE)

A little under 1000 M3 Stuarts were sent to the Soviet Union under the US Lend Lease Act. The Soviet army wasn't the biggest fan of them though claiming they were too under-armoured, under-armed and poorly suited to the fierce Russian Winters with their narrow tracks and non-diesel engines. Still, they saw service until the end of the war serving in infantry support and recce roles.

I wanted a Lend Lease tank to represent the aid offered by the US to the then Allied effort combating Nazi Germany. I did not however want a boring Sherman... and really like the look of the Stuart's Lego-like profile. Plus in Bolt Action terms, this "Light Tank" as it's termed in-game, is way fewer points to add to an army list than a Sherman or even a Lend Lease Churchill (My favourite of all tank designs.).

The snow was added using the same recipe as my previous Winter vehicles - Army Painter Snow effect+Elmers White Glue+a drop of white paint. Apply where you think it would stick and collect. :)

*The pics are a little washed out as they were taken late at night after the snow effects had dried.

Five machine guns ready to blaze away!

Bit fuzzy this one. At least you get the idea.

I'm looking forward to seeing what this little tin can will do on the field of battle. Death to the Kraut!


  1. You've grunged/snowed that Land lease Tank up a treat, Dai. Marvellous stuff, and I too look forward to seeing how well this armoured vehicle does in one of your games. Great to see you back posting, and painting :-)

    1. Thanks Simon - I'll be sure to post up some pics of the thing in action in the future!

  2. Tank looks great, tank commander looks great I want one! But I will show unusual restraint and not get one until I've painted all the other soviet tanks I have! Lovely painting, weathering and snowing (?)
    Best Iain

    1. Heh - it's a great kit and ended up being fun to paint up.

  3. Lovely work, man! I really dig the weathering (and weather). Good stuff!

  4. Excellent model snowing :)One of the best I ever seen!

    1. Very kind of you to say so Michal. :)

  5. Fab job dude. I to prefer the smaller light tanks they seem to be full of more character.

    1. Glad we're on the same page. Cheers Simon.

  6. That weathering and snow effect together look fabulous - great work mate

    1. Kind of you to say so Stuart, cheers.

  7. That just brings back memories of my feet turning to ice....

  8. I've always loved Stuarts! Looking great!

  9. Looks good, and you've given it a little bit of Penthouse flare with the soft focus. Sexy!

    1. "Penthouse flare"!? Haha! Never thought a phrase like that would be used in relation to WW2 modeling.

  10. Lego-like! Ha!

    Lovely work, mate.

    J'ai retournu.
