30 March 2017

Betty and Lug

Alright - Alright! Last time posting on these two, I promise.

Simon wanted a team pic, so here they are together. After a swift paint session last night to fix Betty's face I'm finally happy with her eyes. Not perfect, but far more "anime" than they were previously. Also added a spot of light blue in her goggles lenses and a bit of pink to accentuate her lip more. I think they make a really cool looking team.

The California morning sun is bleaching out some of Betty's colours in this pic, but it was the best I could do.

As well as adding a brown to create an iris, I aslo added some skin colour under the eye to lessen the gothy-looking mascara mess that was there before. Paint came out a little thicker than expected, but on the tabletop she'll do just fine.
Started work on a Relic Knights "Pacer" robot thing too - though I'll post more on that when it is further along. Going again with the studio scheme as I've never been that comfortable painting "pink", so we'll see how that goes!

Also got another pair of zombies swiftly painted. They just need slight blood effects and eyes dotted in. (Only 34 to go...) I'll get them finished and photographed this weekend and maybe they'll have some mates join them too.


  1. Great team pic, Dai - Thanks very much :-)

  2. **satisfied sigh** always appreciate a team pic Dai

  3. Thanks all! Felt it was necessary for completion's sake.

  4. Very nicely done, man - I dig 'em!

  5. Nice team photo! She has come out very well, more patience than me, I'm afraid I gave up painting eyes sometime in the last century!
    Best Iain

  6. Looks great dude. Fab job on the face and eyes.

  7. I don't exactly remember what her eyes looked like before but I recall thinking they were fine. I do think this update looks very good. Go Zombies.

  8. Thanks gents for all your encouraging words!
