09 January 2017

A big lad

The need to paint something wholly different from WW2 continued in my head, so I plucked an old fig from a neglected project and got to work. It's a metal Reaper Miniatures "Plague Harbinger", a really nice sculpt from 2004 by Werner Klocke that I'd bought originally upon release and had left on the shelf of unloved minis with the intention to paint up as the last member of my Inquisimunda/INQ28 Nurgle Coven! (I need to have a serious word with the "Hoarder" in me.)

Hadn't realised, but I had not worked on this project since 2012, the previous entry being a bits-mash-up deamonhost! O_o This feller is representing a "Big Mutie" in the rules, as well as being unnaturally large, he also has a "Claw" (Originally represented by an old metal Great Unclean One hand, but since replaced with a more manageable and better looking plastic hand from the GW giant kit.) and some sort of rotten flesh-type "toughness" mutation. Overall in-game he'll be awful when shooting with his ancient pistol, but nasty in hand-to-hand combat.

Dark pits for eyes made him seem more creepy in my mind. Check out the dirt under those fingernails - ew...

This brute claims to have taken those Templar pauldron shields from Space Marines he had slain in one-on-one combat. Whilst the rest of the team doesn't believe this story, they aren't about to risk a good  kicking saying so. 

Bone-handled knife is a cool bit that adds I think to the scummy wastelander feel of this mini.

Rust on most all of the exposed metal areas. (Looks good enough for me.)
Between his feet are a pile of bloodied bones - a previous meal/victim/captive/pet?

No idea on a name for this mutant as yet, though I’ll happily take suggestions.

With him finished, that sees my Chaos Coven complete. Still lots to do on other teams though for the future and after really enjoying painting this mini, I’m rather hankering to finish up some of the members of the (also) neglected Inquisitorial investigation squads. We’ll see what takes my fancy.

(I’ll get a group pic up in a future post when it’s not so rainy and nasty outside.)


  1. Love it! Inquisimunda/INQ28 was one rabbit hole I started down a while back but never went anywhere. I have Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau and another Inquisitor in Power Armor, but that's it. Maybe we should plan on playing some kind of Inquisitor showdown the next time we get togther.

    1. That sounds like a damned fine plan mate. I have 4 warbands in total, two now fully painted (Rogue Trader crew and Chaos Coven).

      This needs to be a thing!

  2. Meavanwe.

    And she gets all fractious if people actually guess.

    1. Meavanwe it is! (Hadn't even considered that this lovely one could be female - good call!)

  3. Of course he is a rubbish shot. How is supoposed to get those giant fingers in the trigger guard! Poor sod!

    1. Yer right - probably be better off just throwing the thing at his targets! ^_^

  4. Really characterful miniature, very impressively painted. I really like how you've brought all the details together with a limited palette, but without obscuring them all with too few colours.

    1. Appreciate that sir. He/she/it was fun to paint.

  5. A lot of great details! Really good break of WWII projects :)

  6. Very cool fig. I like the green on the shields, making sure to hit the core nurgle colours. The big hand goes well with the big nasty hump on the shoulders.....kinda makes you wonder what exactly is under there. ick.

    1. Heh, something adorable like a herd of kittens I'm sure.

    2. I think my SAN score just dropped there....

    3. Forgive my ignorance, but I'm not at all familiar with what exactly a SAN score is?

    4. It's a Call of Cthulhu (rpg) thing. It's SANity. Encounters with horrible creatures (or even garden variety dead bodies) grind down your sanity until you go irrevocably insane.

    5. Yikes, I should have known that having played the game multiple times in my teens! Yes, negatives all around! :)

  7. Lovely work mate - the yellowed flesh is great, but the white/red striping on his shoulder hump is what grabbed me on first review. Also the dark sunken eyes are perfect when peering under the hood from that underangle. Great job.

    1. Thanks mate - glad the interest areas that worked for me got your attention too. Job done I'd say.

  8. Oh my, what a great miniature and a brilliant distraction from you ongoing work Dai, cracking stuff.

    1. Thanks Michael! It was a lovely change of pace from brown-uniform-green-helmets!

  9. That is absolutely fantastic! Thoroughly awesome work, man!

    1. Cheers matey! Tried to get as nice a yellow as your own but I think it came up short. Still, it'll work for now. :)

  10. Great looking ikky figure, something adorable about nurgles followers, nice change from Ww2!
    Best Iain

    1. Yes, adorable is a word I'd use too. Thanks Iain!

  11. Wow, Dai. Simply Wow. That is a corking mini and terrific paintjob! What a great mini to start the year off with!! :-)

    1. Glad you like him/her/it mate! Plenty more where this one came from. :)
