28 November 2016

Comrade! (Part 16)

Shamefully I missed all last week's opportunity to post up. Rotten of me for sure. I blame a combo of soggy weather making picture-taking conditions non-existent and Thanksgiving escapades. But enough on that. 

Some painting has commenced since my last post - firstly my Medium Machine Gun team for my WW2 Soviet Bolt Action army. The wheeled Maxim machine gun (I think from WW1) was still utilised by the infantry as a reliable piece of kit and so I present it here for you. As my previous post mentioned, the sculpts for the crew were rather crap, therefore most facial details had to be painted on so please excuse the crudity of my freehand. (These are Warlord Games sculpts)

Friday 25th also happened to be my very good friend Gregg's 42nd birthday and as my gift to him, I decided to paint up this dragon. He seemed happy enough with it, so job done. (Though I did mention that he is not at all allowed to plonk it on the table as a monster for us players to face in any future rpg session!) I have no idea who produced this mini.

Horrid focus on this one, apologies. Rain was starting up again and so was taken hastily!

Also about this time last year another gaming friend, Steve had asked that I paint up this cute Fox. A simple effort, I am most chuffed over how his eyes came out - shifty, like a sly fox should have!

And with extra time to myself and whilst watching the Oakland Raiders do their best to once again lose a game I went on to start work on the final two pieces for my WW2 Soviet army. Since these pics were taken the crew to the AT gun were completed and it's base started on. I might well have it finished by this weekend!

And.... I'm spent. Christmas is coming up and a gaming opportunity or two could be on the cards if I can wrangle spare moments between incoming family and friends' visits next month. Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate - Ciao!


  1. oh, something fantastic!!!
    Cute Fox, great MMG (this awesome bases!)and waiting for next w,i.ps :)

  2. The MMG crew's faces are very expressive ! People pay good money for characterisation like that.

    And Mr fox is great ! Boggit, Burke and the other one better watch out !

    1. Mr Dahl has obviously left his mark here. This is a good thing.

      Thank you good sir.

    2. Nice looking T34 and AT gun, I've been working on some metal warlord figures and they were pretty rough, you've managed to make them look good. Pretty fox and dragon I particularly like the whitewash on your tank.
      Best Iain

    3. (I'm still waitin' for you to post your stuff up on that there blog you dun created. Jus' sayin'.)

      Cheers Iain. Tank has loads more to go - hope it won't disappoint.

    4. Won't happen till I get back to blighty when the instructions aren't in Spanish! Plus I haven't got anything here in my hotel room except lots of plastic figures I've been assembling ready to be primed when I get back, good to know someone might look at it!
      Best Iain

  3. Sensational stuff Dai, and if the "Warlord Games" sculpts are as bad as you say, then double points for the wonderful paint-jobs on the Soviet Maxim Teams. Terrific facial expressions :-)

    Hopefully there'll be something for you to especially look at on my blog over the next few months as I start "Konflict '47"; albeit a number of models are "Westwind Productions" "Secrets Of The Third Reich" than "Warlord Games". Have you played "Konflict '47" yet yourself?

    1. Very kind of you to say so mate. I felt they wouldn't match the rest of the force if i didnt at least try.

      I have not played it but watched some chaps at the local game store play and i do own and have read the rules. The game is based on Bolt Action 1st Ed and seems flawed for it in many aspects. Once the advertised Bolt Action 2nd Ed update comes out i will dive into the very exciting Soviet units soon to be released.

      Now I'm excited to see what you have in store!

    2. Me too, I stood back from K47 even though it looks amazing until it is a bit more established i.e. had the bugs ironed out

  4. Replies
    1. Lock up your wives, daughters and hens.

  5. Wonderful stuff...all of it! And the eyes on the fox are spot on!

    1. Thanks Gordon, am rather chuffed how they came out.

  6. My word, you've been busy - great stuff Dai.

    1. Thank you michael. More on the way - of course. :)

  7. Lovely work all around, and to echo the others that is one Fantastic (Mr.) Fox! Heh.

  8. Lovely work mate, I love the fox but the dragon wins it for me! First class

    1. Thanks mate, he was fun and uncharacteristically swift to paint (For me.).

  9. Good stuff. The Dragon and Fox are great gifts. Those Warlord figures looked difficult to paint. A far cry from Artizan, in my opinion. I'll be looking at the schedule and PM you soon.

    1. Artizan make some really nice figs for sure, though later Warlord sculpts like the Winter Germans I have up next after the Soviets so far have been rather spectacular.

      Looking forward to hearing from you. Hope we can make this work!

  10. Its an echo chamber from me - great work all round.

    Dragon wings stand out, and the fox is just delightful - cunning indeed.

    1. Thanks muchly mate. I'm sure he's looking for chickens to pinch.

  11. Ditto - I'm with everyone above!

    1. PS: Where is the fox from? - I'm fairly sure that if I took the legs off at the knee and changed the tail into a nub I'd be left with a decent Cadfael...

    2. Cheers Admiral. :)

      Nah, this fox is far too slim to make for a good Corgi. Try this one instead?

