19 July 2016

Comrade! (Part 7)

Snow basing done for LMG squad, Medium Mortar team and the 1st member of my Tank Rider veteran squad.

Started with some sort of medium brown by Games Workshop. (Same brown I've used for basing for years now.) Then a mix of Army Painter snow effect, small squirt of Elmers Glue and a drop or few of white paint. Mix well and apply with an applier thingie. Add some tufts as I saw fit and the odd dark green foliage clump and viola.


Group Shot of what I've finished to date as requested by Blaxkleric with the already previewed Officer & Adjutant and Armoured Car.

Lots of yelling going on on this base. Two fellows at the back are individually based to help with keeping track of casualties.

Army Painter Tundra tufts. I also added a dab here and there of my snow mix for extra realismismsisms. Very real.

My finished LMG squad. Lots of dynamic posing here, which the Winter Soviet Infantry plastic set (By Warlord Games) offers in bucket fulls.

I had made a list of names for each and every member of my force but have since lost it. So nameless and faceless they'll remain. Here's Sergeant No-Name and some fellows in very warm-looking padded uniforms.

This picture shows a kneeling soldier tossing a grenade whilst being supported by a shooter on the right. This offers the opportunity for our friend in the center to eventually bring his treasured Panzerfaust to bear against the hated German armour.

Speaking of German armour, here's a molotov thrower supported by two very scared looking troopers.

I've been informed that the squad NCO would frown mightily at this ammo-bearer's flagrant disregard for the safety of his charge. Tossing the ammo can AT your LMG trooper is a no-no. Good thing the sergeant is 3 pictures above and can't see eh?

A brand new addition. The first member painted of my Veteran Tank Riders SMG squad. Nasty buggers, I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do on the table. 

Veteran Soldier bum shot.
 Also finished up 1/2 of a small commission until my neck turned traitor on me and had me resting like an invalid again in extreme discomfort. Years of sitting at a desk are starting to take their ugly toll.


  1. I do love your Valhallans.

  2. Those look fantastic! Really dig the molotov-chucker!

    1. Cheers mate. I am rather fond of him too.

  3. Brilliant! ... And it's been too long since last I swung by here. Lovely work, mate!

    1. Thanks loads mate. Can't wait to see more on your own new project!

  4. Absolutely wonderful, I just love the snow on the boots - great touch!

    1. Always appreciate your positive response Michael. Thanks!

  5. Fantastic mate, about to start painting some Soviets myself :)

    1. Cheers good sir. Excited to see what you come up with!

  6. Great looking soviets, I like the mix of greatcoat colours your tank rider looks like a bit of a boozer or maybe he's just cold! Lovely work
    Best Iain

    1. Half the fun with Russians in the snow, you can never tell!
      Thanks Iain.

  7. Marvelous painting and basing Dai. I'm a huge fan of your Ruskies, and they really look the business. I just love the different facial features you;ve managed to create with your brushwork. :-)

    1. Always so kind with your comments! Thank you mate.

      I'll be sure to have some more up soon.

  8. Very nice paintwork there sir, and some excellent basing as well. I like the choice of frozen lake to stand the models on for the photograph, too.

    1. The frozen lake was very appropriate I thought. :)

      Cheers Ed.

  9. You've captured so much character in their faces with your painting - the red glazes on the cheeks/nose really illustrate the chill too. Super sweet stuff.

  10. Thanks Stuart. It's a simple touch, but I felt it was needed. Wish I knew how to model frosty breath too!

  11. A very well-painted force, Dai, loads of character in them. I echo what's already been said - the rosy hints on the faces really help to capture the cold theme. Great work on the Molotov flame as well.

    1. Thanks muchly sir. Hope to maintain the level of quality for the next update.

  12. Great work Dia, you really get the impression its freezing where your Soviets are fighting with the effect on the cheeks.

    1. I tried. Glad it works though. Thanks for stopping by John.

  13. Lovely work, Dai. Lots of shouting, unshaven, grumpy looking (and doubtless lice-ridden) chaps here. They look fantastic.

    1. Yes, very much lice ridden. Thanks Mike!

  14. The basing and red cheeks really put these figures in the cold zone. 10/10

    1. High praise coming from you Pat - thanks!

  15. Very nice looking stuff. Reminds me I've got a couple of boxes of PSC 1/72 Russians in the wings somewhere. I just started following your blog after seeing some of your comments on Airborne's blog. I get out to NoCal a couple times a year. In fact I'm in Winters right now and will be heading down to Stockton in the next day or so. Perhaps you'd like to get together for a game one day? Probably not this trip but something to think about in the future.

    1. Glad to have you aboard Sean.

      That would be cool - am in West Sacramento.

    2. We're out here a couple times a year. Usually a loop from Winters to Stockton to Natomas. My gmail is stsquiresaz at gmail for com. If nothing else we can shoot the shit about games and miniatures.

  16. Love your Russians! Great mix of colors, skins and basing are all a treat. Now following!

  17. Fantastic painted minis! /I'll back often:)

    1. Glad to have you aboard! Thanks for the kind words.
