06 June 2016

JomsViking Warriors

Here's my 1st unit of JomsViking Warriors. They all get the same shape shield which in turn is painted in the same shade of red to make them easily identifiable on the tabletop. Am sure the shields are entirely unhistorical, but they'll do for me.

Newest member is in orange with the pointy helmet and horsehair plume. Nice to have these off my table! Now only another 16 to go before I can call this 6-point Saga warband done..... -__-

Couldn't find examples online of any vikings "Joms" or otherwise with this big board-style of shield so kept it all simple with a nice primary colour to keep them similar. Small rune in black on each shield is for "Odin", next unit will get the rune for "Thor".

About to charge into their unpainted mates on the shelf ahead. 

Also managed to finish up the Warhammer 40K Ogryn commission previously previewed. Ended up having a lot of fun painting this mini and am quite happy with how he came out. Forgive the crude pictures, I took them prior to leaving to work this morning in my back garden prior to watering our vegetable plants. The client seemed well pleased with it, so I guess mission accomplished.

Client prefers to base his own stuff, so hence the Dai-paw in the picture.

Loads of fun bulges and folds in this sculpt to make it interesting and fun to paint.
I also got started on some more 15mm Confederate infantry to be able to use in my upcoming ACW Longstreet campaign, but there isn't much to show just yet, so no pictures until next post.

Much loves and stuffs to you all!


  1. Aha, Vikings, Ogyrn and the promise of more ACW minis to come - and you dare call me a flitter of genres, Dai ;-) Great stuff my friend. The vikings are excellent, and their red shields really hep pull them together as a warband. WHilst that Ogryn is gob-smackingly good too. Terrific post :-)

    1. Hrm... I "have" been a bit all over the place, haven't I? Well, at least it's progress. :)

      Thanks for the kind words mate. I've gotten behind on your own posts and owe you some proper responses!

  2. Much appreciated Gordon!

  3. They look great. I've got a few saga Vikings that need some paint. Hard to see myself plowing through 30+ of them soon though...

    1. Ach, if you can paint oodles of tanks in a row, 30-odd vikings is nothing!

  4. Awesome work, really like that 40K Ogryn, superb job Dai.

  5. Its important to cover all of the available options.

    1. And you'd be the authority on that with your extensive epic collection!

  6. Great looking vikings, I like the square shields very Rus, the ogryn turned out nice, if you can say that about ogryns but you know what I mean!
    Best Iain

    1. Square shields = Rus? I didn't know that. Learn something new every day. Thanks!

      Cheers Iain!

  7. A great update. As someone who struggles to paint realistic flesh, I'm particularly envious of that lovely Ogryn!

    1. Cheers Ed. The skin is easier than you'd imagine. Lots of rough stark highlights prior to a good smothering in various shades of washes.

  8. The Vikings are looking good and the face on the Ogryn looks so real, superb painting.

    1. Thanks a load mate. They were all fun to paint up for sure.
